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" Where the hell have you been?" Dean ask me the second I walk into the gym

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" Where the hell have you been?" Dean ask me the second I walk into the gym.

" Sorry, Nikki, and I were exchanging Christmas gift."

" You do realize Christmas was like almost a month ago."  He says jumping off the bar. " But I know she loved the car... You are definitely getting laid tonight. But what did she get you?"

" It's more like where did she get me?"

" I'm not following?"

" So after I gave Nikki her stuff, she told me to let me show you your gift. And I told her a while ago I didn't want anything. Then she goes ' it's a little too late for that?' Then she turns around and shows me her lower back and I see she got tattoed ' R.R.' on her."

" Well what's the problem, you seem mad about it. I would be excited if Renne got my name on her ass."

" It was her lower back."

" Close enough."

" I just don't want Nikki getting tatted up with my name. Even if it is small."

" Well, I say skip this workout and you get the same tattoo but just instead do 'N.B'.

" I'm not getting a tattoo on my lower back."

" Ass. But fine get it on your arm because I don't think you have any room on your other. It will show Nikki you are committed to her, even after the stupid things you said last night. So are you down?"

" Fine."

" Awsome. Now one last question."

" Fire away."

" Can I see Nicole ass tattoo?"

"No." I say walking out the gym as he follows me.

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