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There is a phrase that is used a lot in show business. ' fake it to you make it.' and that is exactly what I am doing now.

Guest flow in the houses and make their way into the backyard where everything is set up

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Guest flow in the houses and make their way into the backyard where everything is set up. I am trying to stay away from Roman because I know if I am around him too long my emotions will more then likely spiral out of control. So for the last hour, I've been greeting people by groups to distract me and drinking champagne to hide my pain.

I soon make my way to the group of men that we all know as the undisputed era with their significant others. " What's up, guys?" I say given each of them a hug. " I am so glad you all made it."

" Yeah. Thanks for inviting us." Bobby said. " This place is beautiful."

" Aw, thanks." I say trying to act happy.

" Hey, sorry to bother you, Nicole. But I am more of a beer guy then champagne. Would you happen to have any around?" Adam ask me.

But before I can even answer the woman aggressively taps him. " I told you not to ask her that."

" Oh no it's fine." I say." But I don't think we never actually met. I am Nicole but everyone calls me Nikki." I say leaving my around out to shake.

" Oh and I am Brittany but you can call me Britt if you want." She says shaking my hand back.

" Oh, nice to meet I love your dress by the way

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" Oh, nice to meet I love your dress by the way. Adam, what flavor of beer do you want?"

" I will just come with you. I will be right back, baby." He says to his girlfriend before kissing her.

Adam and I walk into the house side by side and walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge to see that there is none in there. " Fuck, Roman must have finished that last night. But don't worry there is even better beer in the basement we keep it with the wine cellar." Adam follows me downstairs to the cellar so we can get him some beer.

" Adam follows me downstairs to the cellar so we can get him some beer

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" Oh wow! That's a lot of wine."

" I know, Roman had it install as a gift."

" Nicole, speaking of Roman, is everything okay with you too? I have been watching you all afternoon and I realized you too have not said a single word to each other."

" It's complicated and a really long story."

" Well, the party doesn't end for another 2 hours. We got time."

" But you don't wanna leave your girlfriend alone too long."

" She will be fine, I just wanna make sure you are good."As those words leave his mouth I start to cry for many reasons, one is because of the alcohol and two is because he is the only one that has noticed. "Did I say something stupid?"

"No, the quite opposite."

"Well let's sit down crack one of these glasses open and just talk and maybe I can give you some advice," I explain to Adam everything from how I lost the baby to how Galina showed up this morning unannounced. And in that time span finished 2 glasses of wine. " Wow, Nicole, I am so sorry about everything I can only imagine how hard it is to lose a baby, and on top of that have no idea if Roman is lying or telling the truth. But what is your heart telling you?"

" I'm not sure I wanna believe Roman is not the father but it's hard when he won't tell me who it is." I say, he shakes his head to show he understands. " Well I am sorry for wasting your ti-"

" No, don't be."

" Aw Adam you're the best." I say as I give him a very close hug.

" Nicole-" He doesn't finish speak because I kiss him passionately on the lips, he kisses me back with such passion as well. The kiss stops after almost 30 seconds but his hands are still wrapped around my waist."

" Oh my gosh, Adam I am so sorry. I am so stupid."

" Nicole, it's fine. I always wanted to do that."  His comment makes me blush a little and gives me a huge boost of confidence.

" Well in that case." I start to kiss him again and slide his black suit off. He lifts me up and removes the box that lays on the counter and places me there instead. He takes a break from kissing my lips and kissing my neck until he makes it to my breast. " Oh, Adam." I call out I yell as I push my neck back. I didn't care about anyone hearing us because we are in the basement and they are all outside. My legs unwrap from around Adam's waist and I start to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants and you know what they say Pop Goes the Weasel. Adam's face is amazed and pleased when he looks to see I don't have any underwear on, not even my thongs. He then measures up perfectly and goes inside perfectly as he thrust harder and harder each time. We are going for about 15 minutes straight until we hear my name being called. " It's Roman, get dress."

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