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Brie and I walk through Tampa airport as we just landed from California

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Brie and I walk through Tampa airport as we just landed from California. Brie flew back with me because we have an event for Birdie Bee on Wednesday and didn't see the point in flying back to Arizona only to fly to Tampa the next day.
" Are you sure, Roman, does not mind me staying with y'all for the night?"
" Yes, because one my name is also on the lease and two he is trying to get back in my good graciousness so why on earth would he kick you out."
" True. Speaking of 'good graciousness' are you two going to settle this out?"
" That's the goal, and maybe he will let me move back in. Because I am getting tired of keeping moving around and living out of my suitcase." I explain to her.
We reach gate 'A'when Roman texts me and tell me that he is here. We see his black Mercedes Benz SUV a few cars ahead of us and we start to walk in that direction. Roman gets out of the automobile and opens the trunk of the car. Once we arrive at the automobile Roman takes Brie's black suitcase and puts it in before giving her a hug. " Always a pleasure, Brie." Roman says to her. Brie just smiles before getting in the car. But When it comes to me before he even puts my bags in the trunk he gives me a long sweet kiss and pulls me closer by pressing against my butt. " How was your flight?" He asks as he puts my stuff in the car.
" It was cool just a little bumpy." I respond back as I reach for the car door and he closes the trunk and gets in the car with Brie.
" Thanks for picking us up, Roman. And letting me stay with you." Brie says as she puts her black seatbelt on.
" No problem." Roman says then we pull off on our way to the house.
Once we arrive to the house Brie gets out first and attempts to open the trunk. But Roman intervenes " I'll get it. Brie, don't worry I'll grab it."
" Thanks." She says.
The three of us walk inside the house entering the foyer first. Which leads in pretty awkward silence.
"Well I am going to call Daniel and let him know I made it, and check on Birdie." Brie says walking into the guest bedroom she normally stays at, which just leaves me and Roman alone.
" Let's talk." I say in a sassy tone trying to show I am serious.
" Alright, lets go upstairs." Roman says as he points the stairs and follows me up the stairs. Once we get upstairs I lay on my the bed on my side and Roman follows as he wraps his hand around my waist pulling me so close I could hear his heart. Giving me little kisses on my neck and right ear. " While you away in Lake Tahoe I went to see our relationship therapist.". He says playing with my hair.
" What do y'all about?"  I say as I turn my neck to see his beard face.
" She set the record straight."
" What do you mean?"
" I mean she told me the truth."
" And what's the truth?" I say fully turn around as my breast touch his large chest, and find our legs entangled together.
" That I don't love, Galina. But I love what I was able to do for her."
" What did you do for her?"
" I was able to give her Jojo and the boys. And I fear I can't do the same for you."
" What do you mean?"
" Well to start it from the beginning, when I was in high school at one of my football games. It was an accident but a guy hit me in my penis and balls and at first, I did not think too much about it but then it started to hurt. So I went to the doctor and they told me that I had azoospermia. Which means my sperm does not work.  They told me I couldn't have kids and at the time I didn't care because I didn't want kids. So when I met Galina I really didn't care about the protection because I couldn't give her pregnant. But I was wrong. When she revealed to me she was pregnant I was confused and frightened because I was not ready to have kids. So about 9 months later she gives Birth to Jojo and I was truly in love with this child. So Galina and I obviously got married and one-night she turns to me and goes ' I want another baby.' so I was like cool but I didn't tell her about my azoospermia,  in fact, nobody knows you are the only person I told. So back to the story we tried for a long time and it wasn't working I could tell that she was getting frustrated and started to think it was her fault. So while I was at the doctor I asked my doctor if there is anything I can do. He told me there is surgery but if not done right it cause it is worse, but there are also some pills. I took the pills and in a month's time her to get pregnant with the twins but I also got suspended for health in wellness policy in those thirties day. So about 2 years later that video of Sasha and I get released and my marriage was already failing and that made it worse. I didn't tell you this but I tried to have another baby with Galina and I thought maybe if I give her another child that maybe it would make it better. But I couldn't get her pregnant so that made it even worse. So that over and I moved on to you, and when you got pregnant I was super confused because that was not supposed to happen. And when Seth lied to me and told me that you slept with me I assume it was true. Because you were probably mad at me at that the fact that I couldn't give you a baby. And being honest I am not going to lie but I was kinda hoping that Paige baby was mine, because it showed that I could give you a baby."
" Oh Roman. I am so sorry. But I wish you told me this a while ago."
" I know, and I also know how much you want kids. And-"
" No, it doesn't matter. I grew so close to your kids I can pretty much call them my own. So don't worry about it. Okay? If it happens it happens. Now let's just chill before our flight tomorrow."

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