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I just put Birdie to sleep when I get a call from Nikki. I pick up my phone off the changing table and answer. " Hey Nikki. What's up?" I whisper as I leave Birdie's room.

" Brie, I don't know what to do." Nikki says. I can hear her crying on the phone.

" Okay Nikki, Calm down. Let's start from the top, what's going on?"

" So Roman and I got in another argument."

" How? You texted me 2 hours ago saying that everything was going great."

" It was until we were doing a couple of exercises and he told me he spent our engagement night with her." I knew exactly who ' her' was because she has been a thorn in Nikki side.

" Oh wow."

" I know, so I walked out of the master bedroom because we were going to sleep together and went back to the guest room. But he caught me before I could get back and brought me back to the the  bedroom then locked the door. He went on this long speech, but long story short he gave me two options. The first option was leave and we are officially over and option two was let's have a clean slate, and we can be engaged again and sleep in the same bed. He wanted a decision like tonight, so I asked if I could call you and that leads us here."

" Nikki I am so sorry that happened."

"  I know, but he is right. The game we play is not fair to either one of us or his kids. And I think we play games because our relationship was a game when first got together."

"  So what are you thinking?" I ask her.

" I don't because I have my days when I truly love Roman with all my heart. And then there are times when I think it is just easier to find someone else and start over."

" Well, I must admit your guy's relationship is super toxic. But also look at how much Roman loves you. In less than 2 years you were his side piece and then he turned you into his girlfriend, and then fiancé. And even though you guys fight like all the time look at all the things he does like buying you a house to call home. Also, think how dumb he would look if Roman and you don't figure it out. He left his wife for you and imagine how stupid he must feel if you were to walk out."

" Yeah, you are right."

" But forget everything I just said. And now I have to ask you a question, and then I have to go because Daniel needs me. But I need you to answer this question. Can you see yourself walking down the aisle to marry Roman?"

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now