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" What happened?" I ask looking very confusing at Brie and Bryan.

" I tried-" Bryan says before getting interrupted by Brie.

" I told him, what you should have done a while ago." I knew exactly what she was talking about. My mind starts spinning because I didn't plan on this happening, and I don't know how to fix this.

" Brie, how could you?"

" Look, Nikki, I'm sorry but it had to be done."

" But, it had to be done by me." I say running my hands through my hair, trying to figure out what to do. I take a deep breath again because I can't believe I am in this situation. " I have to do something." I say walking out the restaurant.

By the time I called a car and got to the hotel room, Roman is nowhere to be found. I even tried calling him multiple times but he didn't answer, but then again why would he?

I slide my heels off and dress and find myself putting on a larger t-shirt and one of my black thongs. I guess I just have to wait for him to come back. I mean he has to come back, his belongings are still here.


I open an eye after I have fallen asleep to feel a bright light on me

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I open an eye after I have fallen asleep to feel a bright light on me. Without moving too much I see that Roman stands in front of me going through the drawer. He can keep his balance, so I assume he has consumed more alcohol since leaving dinner.

" Don't even bother to say anything, I am leaving soon." He says closing the drawer and walking back to his suitcase. I sit up, so we could actually have an existing conversation.

" I wish you wouldn't." I say crossing my arms, waiting for him to react.

" Well you don't have a say, Nicole." he says packing up his bathroom utensils. At this point I am not getting anywhere, I walk over to the bathroom hoping it might work. " Please move." He says as he makes his way back to the living room.

" Cmon, Roman you are over reacting." I say as I start to follow him.

He quickly turns around is a second of time. " I am overreacting?" He cries as he backs me to the wall.

" Roman, you are scaring me." I announce as my heart starts beating rapidly. He backs up after seeing the fear in my eyes and take multiple deep breaths, as he tries to calm himself down.

"  You ridicule me for Sasha and Charlotte, but the whole time you were sleeping with Randy."

" Roman, it wasn't like that. "

" Then, How was it, Nicole?" He yells. I knew his level of anger as rises because he only calls me Nicole in extreme situations such as when we make love or an argument.

" It started when John and I broke up, and he was there for me. And one thing turned to another."

" So when we're you going to tell me."

" Tonight, that's why I wanted everything to be perfect."

" Then answer this, have there been a time since you've been together since we officially started dating?" 

I look at Roman not knowing how to answer. " Roman, I am sorry. It happened one-"

" Do you know how stupid I feel right currently? I have been telling all my friends and family how I have the sweetest and supportive girlfriend. But meanwhile, you were probably riding Randy at that exact moment. " He says laughing. " I am such an idiot."

" Roman, your not."

" Well, I must be. I almost lost my best friend due to all of this. He tried to tell me, but no I was so confident that you would never do me wrong. That you were loyal. " He says as grab he close his suitcase. " Now if you excuse me I am going to walk away before saying something I regret, but as of now, I don't think this is going to work. " He then leaves his right-hand open.

" Roman, please don't." I say crying. He just shakes his head. " Fine." I take the ring off my finger and places it in his right hand.

He then walks outs without looking back, and tears start to flow immediately down my face.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now