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After Nikki and my conversation in the car, I was extremely shocked by her effort to not call her dad. So I decided to take things in my own hands, I texted brie and asked for her dad's number and without questioning me she told me.

Once the locker room has cleared out, I grab my phone and dialed the number that Brie gave me, it rings a few times before a man with a heavy voice answered it.

" Hello?"

" Hi, Sir, my name is Roman and I -"

" I know who you are, I get the news at well."

" Well, I don't wanna keep you long but Nicole and I would really love to have you at the wedding, and maybe you can walk her down the aisle?"

" Well tell, Nicole, that if she wants me to walk her down the aisle that she needs to call and beg me. I haven't had a conversation with that girl in years." Before I can even reply he hangs up.

" Ok, that didn't go as planned." I say to myself as I put my phone back in my bag. But before I know it I am not alone, I see a man in an all-black suit and tie waiting at the door.

" Hey, Roman, could creative borrow you for a second?"

" Yeah." I say as I get up and start making my way to the creative room.

When I get there I see a few men and women having a conversation which somewhat heated, but stop once they noticed me

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When I get there I see a few men and women having a conversation which somewhat heated, but stop once they noticed me.

" Hey, Roman, take a seat?" One of the guys says as he takes a sip of his coffee. I take a seat as requested and look around the rest of the room to see them starting at me. " So, here is the deal, We wanna turn your storyline with Randy into a romance storyline. Since you are dating Nikki, we are going to add her to the storyline.

" But, Nikki just got in a storyline with Natalya."

" We Know! We know! But trust us we know what we are doing, this is going to be great."

I don't know how to feel, half of me is excited because I love working with Nikki but the other half of me doesn't want her in a storyline because of Randy.
Hey everyone, what is your predictions for Survivor Series?

I am going team blue.

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