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It's been the longest night, I waited for Nikki for almost an hour, which means we didn't get to the hotel till midnight. She hasn't really said anything to me, but when she does it's not the nicest thing.

Nikki and I lay on opposite sides of the bed, I watch the highlights of the football game with the volume of 2, I didn't want the tv to be loud because I am sure she would be mad about that as well. Her back is turned to me as she wears a light blue tank top that reveals some of her stomach and black semi- thongs underwear.

I feel the room get colder, so I grab a blanket and put it over her, because I know she has to be cold, but I still don't get a thank you. I then get up and pick up my wallet and phone. " Hey Nikki, I am going to grab a snack from the vending machine. Do you want anything?" I know she wasn't growing to respond, but I just wanted to try.

After selecting a bag of popcorn, I start to put my money in, until I get an unexpected call from Seth.

" Hey, Buddy." I say smiling ear to ear it's been a while since I heard from Seth.

" Hey, Roman, long time no see. But I was calling you to check on Nikki?"

" Oh, you saw that?

" Yeah, it's on every major news outlet it was even on ESPN."

" Well, she is not doing so well. I became her punching bag."

" Dang man."

" Yeah, mostly verbal but I do have a few scratches. But how are you doing?"

" Just laying in bed with Paige."

His words made me think for a second because last time we talked they broke up. " Woah, I didn't know you two were back together."

" Yeah, I need her, she needs me. But she most needed me."

" Oh okay, well I am going to get going. I don't wanna leave her to long by herself. But I'll talk to you later."

" Alright right man." He says then hangs up.

I put my phone in my pocket, and finish up my business at the vending machine then head back to our room. When I walk in I see Nikki is no longer laying in bed, but I assume she is in the bathroom because the lights our on, but the door is closed. I put my wallet and phone down and go back to watching the highlights.

After a few minutes, the bathroom door open and I see Nikki in her silk red robe that I bought her, but she was also in tears. I get up immediately to confront her, she crashes into my chest. " What's wrong?" as I naturally hug her. She doesn't answer but only shows me her phone, I look at it to behold that Nikki was receiving multiple hate messages because of Randy comment tonight. " Hey, don't let it borrow you. They know nothing about you." I keep repeating to her." I then lay her on the bed, and watch her fall asleep.

After she falls asleep I leave the room very quiet so I don't wake her up and make a beeline straight to Dean's room. I start to bang on the door because I don't have much time.

He soon comes to the door with boxer underwear and a tank top and wipes his eyes as his eyes adapt to the hallway light. " What the hell Roman, we were sleeping?"

" I know! I know! I'm sorry." I say shaking my head. " But I can't see her like this anymore."

" So what are you going to do about it?" He asks him. I give him a little evil smirk, also known as the look. " Hell no, last time you gave me that look you, Seth, and I almost got arrested."

" But we didn't."

" Fine, wait here. I'll be out in 2 minutes." He says. He then closes the door in my face, and I start to think of all the things we can do. Within 2 minutes Dean comes out with dressing in all black with a robbery mask over his face.

" what the hell?" I ask him

" What? You gave me the look."

" That doesn't mean we are going to rob a bank."

" Fine, I'll take the mask off."

" Thank you."

" So what's the plan? "

" I wanna teach Randy a lesson. So-"

" Are we going to destroy his car, Or vandalize his house, or-"

" No, I just wanna find some dirt on him and call him out like he did Nikki. So he will know how Nikki feel."

" That's boring but whatever. Let's just do this."

The two of us sneak to Randy room, to discover that the door was slightly left open. We look at each other for a second in mutual but silent agreement to go inside. The room is somewhat dark, I can barley see my hands, however Dean keeps bumping into me.

" Stop it!" I whisper.

" Sorry, can't see." He then backs up to give me a little space. As we get closer I see a female figure nude back facing us, but Randy is no where to be seen.

" Where's Ran-" Before I can finish I hear a male voice from the bathroom.

" I'll be out in a minute, are you still up?" we figure it Randy that just got out the shower.

" Let's go." I mouth to Dean.

" But who's that?" He mouth back, as he points as the female figure sleeping in the bed.

" I don't know, but we have to go. " I say stepping towards the door.

" Fine." He says. Dean leaves out the door then I do, seconds before Randy comes out the bathroom.

That was close.

Who do y'all think is the woman in Randy's bed?

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