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" Dinner was fun." I say jumping into bed with a half-sleep Nikki. After brushing my teeth for the night.
" Yea." She says dreadfully as she adjusts her pillow. I look at her trying to understand if this is Sleepy Nikki or Moody Nicole?
" Did you enjoy your meal?"
" Yea, it was fine. I have chicken breast all the time, it wasn't that special."
oh great, I am dealing with Moody Nicole. What did I do now?
" So, what did you and Jojo do today?"
" Well, I realized that since we were so busy planning the wedding, we forgot to buy her a dress. So I found this little boutique a few miles away and we found her a dress. You and the boys can out tomorrow to go grab them outfit."
" Nikki! They are like two." I say laughing, but stop when she rolls over and I see her not so humorous face.
" And?"
" And we can just throw any outfit on them."
" No! I don't want to look back at my wedding and see the boys just wearing a white T-Shirt and Jeans."
" My! When did this become your wedding?" I say turning the light on forcing her to fully wake up.
" The second you started lying to me. I talked to your dad today, and you didn't even tell him about us getting married this weekend. So you lied to them and me. And if you lie to me about small things like that... what else are you lying to me about?"
" Nicole, I -"
" I nothing... I will deal with you tomorrow. I am going to bed." She turns the light off leaving me in the dark.

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