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5 minutes earlier
I openly roll my eyes as Dean question me for being here, and make a beeline straight up the stairs to Roman's bedroom. I knock once before remembering I have every right to be here and decide just to barge in. At first glance, it appears he is sleep but is woken by the light in the hallway.
" Woah! Woah... Baby! Nikki... What are you doing here?" He says trying to sit up but fail tremendously. Instead, I walk over. Already with the video ready. I sit next to him and hit play for him. He squints his eyes as he tries to understand what's going on.

After the video is over the room goes quiet for a couple of seconds. He is now fully aware and awake for what truly going on. I can't look at him, because of uncertainty and he can't look at me because of embarrassment. He then throws the cover over onto the floor and gets up and stands in front of the tv, as if he ready to punch it. As I sit on the side of the bed weeping to myself.
" Can I at least have an apology?" I whisper loud enough that he can hear me.
He shifts his body around facing me. " I am sorry... But please don't sit here and act like you have been so innocent in this relationship. "
" Roman now is not my time to bring up my past. Because we are dealing with our future."
" No, you just can't deal with your past."
" My Past!"
" Yes, your past Nicole? You slept with half of the locker room. Including my former best friend."
" I used him for his sperm. Plus you slept with.... you know what? This is pointless! Talk to me when you sober up."
" No! Because I know how you get it. We overlook it, and have huge fights like this."
" Roman... I need to regroup. I am tired it's literally 2 in the morning. Let's talk in the morning when we are both level headed. The girls and I are staying at hotel near the airport."
He looks at me sadly for moment until he finally come to sense and know I am right.
" Alright. But can I have a hug first?"
" Of course. You can always have a hug, Roman." I lean into give him and hug.
" I really am sorry for what-"
I release myself from the hug quickly with my eyes open wide full with unbelief.  I go from behind and pick up a silver diamond earring by the floor of his bed.
" OH MY GOSH, ROMAN? WHO WAS HERE!"  I yell at him. I try to remain calm when I here the door  next door from us open, and soon see Daniel and Brie in the hallway.
" Nicole, it's not what you think?" He says.
" Who does these belong to?"

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