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Roman and I kiss for a few minutes as we soon start to take each other clothes off. " Roman." I mumble in a serious manor.

" Nikki." He moans back, but in a joking way. " I want you so bad."

" Roman." I mumble again trying to break the kiss but he just doesn't listen. " Roman!" I yell, which finally makes him stop.

" What's the problem, you just sat here and told me how much you missed me and how much you wanted to be with me. So what changed in like 5 minutes?"

" Don't be a jerk." I tell him pushing him off. " And my problem is Carmella."

" Don't worry I didn't have sex with her." He says then goes back and tries to kiss me.

" That's great, but you technically are still dating her."

" No, I texted her saying that I didn't wanna be with her anymore."

" You texted her!" I yell at him being very disappointed.

" Yeah..." He says being unsure of his answer.

" How would you feel if once Jojo starts dating a guy broke up with her via text?"

" Okay, first of all, she will never be able to date. And second of all Carmella knew that her and I were never serious. "

"Well I don't care. She deserves a real apology and breaks up." I say getting up off his bed.

" Fine, I will text her now. But where are you going?"

" Well Roman I don't know if you noticed this but history repeats itself... And when I say history I mean our history."

" Go on."

" Roman when we get into a really big argument we normally take some time apart and then a few days later have makeup sex. Then we fight again
But after a while, that becomes draining on me."

" So?"

" So I think we should get back together, but take our time, and actually solve our problems because after we get married we can't do what we do now."

" So what are we now?" He asks being very confused about the whole situation.

I take a deep breath before answering. " I don't think we should be engaged quite yet, but how about unofficially dating?"

" But what about the ring? What do I do with it?" Roman ask looking at my finger.

"You will know when the time is right. But don't think of this as a bad thing. We don't have any pressure on our relationship now and we can be happy. " I say giving him back the ring." But now go end with Carmella the proper way. " I say, I then lean over to give him a kiss before leaving. " Good night unofficial boyfriend, I will see you in the morning.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now