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" Good morning everyone." I say as I go in the kitchen, and see all the kids sitting at the table. While Roman is making breakfast at the stove.
" Hi!" Jojo screams at the top of her lungs then takes a sip of chocolate milk through her straw. I smile at her before looking up at Roman. Who is already looking at me, when he realizes that has he has my attention he mouths to me.
" Can we talk?"
I shake my head yes, then points upstairs back to the bedroom.
" I'll be back, kids." Roman says following me up the stairs to the balcony. Roman and I stand in silence for a couple of seconds before I get the courage to talk.
" Let's talk."
" Alright."
" So why did you lie about the wedding?"
" Because I didn't want to make you feel weird. The way they treat you were awful. So why bring that to the wedding."
" I get it, and that's really sweet. But I don't want it to come off that I didn't want them here. Because you and I both know that's what they think. Because you can do no wrong in there eyes... and everything is my fault."
" Again, I am really sorry. "
" It's fine, I really appreciate it. But I just wish you told me the truth. You should call them later today and explain." I say then gives him a huge kiss on his lips." Anyway, I have to pickup Brie and Bryan from the airport. I don't know what time I am going to be back."
" Alright, what's the agenda?"
" I am picking them up, dropping off Bryan an their hotel. Then Brie and I need to do some last minute stuff."
" Alright, we should invite them over for dinner. It's important that the kids get to know their new aunt and uncle."
" Yea, that's sounds great. I will talk to them. I will see you later. Love you." I leave the balcony and head to the car.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now