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Nikki and I continue to clean up the rest of the mess from the anonymous gift that was supposedly for her. She packs and fold her lingerie one by one back into the bags. " Do I have to return this one?" She complains as she extends her arm to show me this sexy lavender set. " I mean look how cute it is ?"

I mean she is right. " I know you will look great in it, but I don't feel right accept a gift with such romantic and sexual feeling from a total stranger."

" Well, maybe it is not a total stranger. Maybe it's someone we both know like... Randy."

" That's just making it worse. He is literally your ex-boyfriend."

" Fine, but what's the point of just leaving all these nice things this hotel room. It's a waste of money."

" Because it proves that -"

" Proves what?" She asks.

" Prove that we aren't going to use any of this trash or mess from your stocker."

" Stocker? I am sure it just a kind action. But you wanna know the truth?

" What's the truth?"

" I think you are jealous. I think your jealous that someone else other than you went out their way to buy me all of these nice things." I start to laugh historically at her comment. " I know, I'm right. Just admit."

" No, because you are not right. Nikki, why would I be jealous, I do better things for you in an hour than this can do in a day. I just don't want any other man buying you things than me. Now let's get ready to go, we have a 3-hour drive ahead of us."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now