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I make a beeline straight to the information and nurse table in the center of the hospital. The woman takes her time to get to me, as I slowly catch my breath. " Can I help you?" The woman asks me.

" Uh, Yes. I am here to see Nikki-"

" Are you a friend or family member?"

" Uh yes ... well sorta. I am her fiancé." I say trying to sound confident.

The woman glares at me for a few seconds, but finally letting me in. " Sign this sheet with your name and the time." She says as she passes me a pin.

" Thank you." I say as I fill out the empty slots.

" Her room number is 384 it's on your left." She says then doesn't pay any more attention to me. I walk the empty hallway, and then make my way to the third floor to find Nikki's Room.

" 380....382....384." I mumble to myself as I finally find her room. When I enter I see Nikki laying in the hospital bed with her white gown on, while being covered in a semi-soft hospital blanket. While Brie sits on the chair with her black facing me, with Birdie in her hands. The two were having a conversation but stops when I walked in.

" Roman?" Nikki says causing both Brie and Birdie to look at me.

" I think I am going to grab another coffee." Brie says as stands up. " do you want anything, Nicole?"

Nikki shakes her head no, brie then leaves with Birdie legs wrapped arm her waist. But she doesn't acknowledge me, I guess I had that coming.

" I brought you some balloons and a teddy bear." I say as I place them on the counter and then take a seat where Brie was.

" Roman, what are you doing?"

" I was worried, when I heard you were in an car accident I got here as soon as I could. What happened?"

" I was on my way to a date, when a drunk driver hit me from the side causing my airbag to bust. They brought me straight to the hospital."

" Wait.... you were going on a date?"

" Uh yeah... you made it pretty clear that we were over. Also, I just told you that I almost died and the only thing you cared about was the fact that I was going on a date."

" I know... I'm sorry I just didn't expect that. Who is it?"

" A football player."

" Does he know that you were in an accident?"

" Yeah, he was the first one to visit me. He brought me that teddy bear and the flowers." She says pointing to a teddy bear three times the size of mine and a vase full of roses. " But Roman, why are you here last time I saw you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me."

I take a deep breath trying to figure out how I am going to say this. " Nicole, I am sorry. Seth revealed to me and everyone else that he lied about the whole thing and that he came on to you. And that he also brought you all those gifts. As I said I am really sorry, I tried to call you the second I found out Christmas Eve but you didn't answer."

A few seconds of silence pass between us until she starts to talk.  " Roman we lost our baby less then a month ago, and when I needed you the most you turned your back on. Now you expect me to forgive. But it doesn't work like that, I need time to see if I want you back. So I think the best thing you can do is leave. Thank you for the teddy bear and balloons, I really appreciate it."

" No problem, just let me know if you need anything. I will be staying in town for a few days." I then get up  to say bye to her, I give her a quick kiss on the lips but the sad part was that is no longer any spark or feeling.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now