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Roman leaves the bathroom as he walks back into the hotel suite bedroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist covering up the important things. " My Body." He moans as he takes a seat at the end of the bed.

" Did the ice bath not work?" I ask him as I rub his muscular shoulders and arm.

" Sorta. But the steel cage match is just so brutal." he responds.

" Well if it makes you feel any better, Randy is probably hurting 10 times more then more." I say as I take a seat next to him on the bed.

" And that's one reason why I love you. You always try to make me feel better." He says as he leans in for a kiss. After a few seconds of kissing, we stop so it doesn't lead to anything. I don't wanna risk getting pregnant again. " What we're you doing while I was in the tub?"

" Just looking at some wedding magazines that I ordered... Oh and I forgot to tell you about my conversation with our wedding planner?"

" I am all ears." He says as I place my head on his shoulders.

" So since the wedding was canceled for like a month, the venue for our wedding day has already been rebooked to another couple."

" Well, why don't we just have a really small wedding like me, you, and the kids. All the other stuff just makes it unimportant."

" Roman, I get your point and that sounds cute, but this is my first and only wedding and since I was a little girl I dreamed of a huge wedding. And the venue in Napa holds like 270 guests that's perfect."

" Alright don't stress your self too much on that, but have you done anything for the engagement party?" He asks as he looks down at me.

" Uh yes. " I say as I run towards my Louis Vuitton suitcase and grab a light pink that has ' Roman and Nicole's wedding plan.' on it. And start to read some of my notes. " So we can have it the first week of February at that country club or we can have it anytime in the house and backyard. What do you prefer?"

He scratches his head as he thinks. " I don't know... I am leaning more towards having it at the house... But we have to set up everything which I don't feel like hours doing. But at the country club, we are limited to a boring room."

" True. Why don't we just have it at the house and then we hire people to decorate?"

" Alright, let's just do that."

" Yeah! We have that settled. But what should we have for food? I will obviously order food."

" We should have just a large table of finger food that people can take food whenever they please. Or we're you trying to have more a elegant dinner?"

" I was. But I actually like your idea better, it gives people the freedom the want."  I say. See I was able to sacrifice my dinner for his because love is also about sacrifice. " alright, I will tell our wedding planner. This is going to be Perfect."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now