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After having dinner with Nikki, her family, and Paige. I just need time away from the girls, so I decided to come upstairs in the peace and quiet so I can just enjoy the last quarter of the 49ers game. But I can't even do that when Nikki bust in the door. I roll my eyes and turn down the tv knowing this was going to be a long conversation. " What are you doing? I thought you all we're going to have a movie night?"

" We, are I just came to get a pair of pajamas. Then I am gone.

" Okay, I will-"

" But, while I have you here." She says sitting on the side of the bed." I think Paige is lying?"

" About?"

" Seth, being the dad of her unborn baby." as those words leave Nikki mouth, I try not to react knowing she had a possibility of being right. " so today before we went to the airport, Paige got a phone call from a clinic. Since she was not in the room, I decided I would answer. Anyway, once I answered some later revealed that Paige DNA test had come in. So I know this makes me a bad friend but I had them send it by mail, but to me." I try to look unfaze, but in the inside, I was screaming.

" Nikki, you shouldn't get her business-like that, imagine being in her shoes. Plus there are many reasons why she might be taking one, but until she is ready to tell you just don't worry about it." I say trying to seem cool.

" Alright, I guess your right. I am just glad we are not going through this." She says giving me a kiss before going to the bathroom.

The second the door close, I run downstairs to see Paige in the kitchen by herself as she waits for the popcorn to finish. " Paige." I whisper just to get her to look up. " Get it together, she is on to us." I say trying to act like I said nothing.

" What is that supposed to mean?" Paige ask being nothing but confused.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now