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The second Nikki comes home, she slams her purse on the kitchen counter then runs upstairs. Which is something I would mark as unusually behavior, even for our relationship. She was even quietly mad in the car. I think I am going to give her sometime to think to herself before I just start asking a a lot of questions. Because I would want the same thing if it was me. So in the meantime I will book our hotel suite, because I promised her I would do that a while ago.
After booking our hotel room, I leave my home office and begin to make my way upstairs to find Nicole, but I am stunned to see her in the kitchen making some breakfast. "Hey." I say pausing at the kitchen frame." Is it okay if I come in?" I ask her before entering. She shakes her head, yes, and I continue to proceed. But when I do I accidentally knock over her purse that she slammed earlier on the kitchen counter.
" Oh shoot." I say hurrying on the ground to pick up but Nikki follows my pattern as she does the exact same thing as if she is trying to hide something.
" Don't worry... I got it." She says as her knees come in contact with the white tile kitchen floor. But I then see what she must be hiding.
" What is this?" I ask picking up a container with some medication in it. She looks up with the face of embarrassment and gets up quickly snatching the bottle away from me. " Nicole, what is that?" I ask her. But instead of an answer, she gets back on her knees and picks up everything and put it back in her purse. " Nicole, are you bringing drugs into our house?"
" No... Yes. But they are not mine."
" I don't care... You brought them in here. I don't want my kids to be around someone like you."
" Someone like me?" She asks being offended." Roman these are not even my drugs, but if you wanna call someone a druggie, you're the biggest one here. You took drugs to get your ex pregnant." she says hitting below the belt because I told her that at a vulnerable moment. " So don't you dare confront me, about bringing drugs into this house," Nikki says walking away heading up the stairs. But I stop her when I start to talk.
" No, Nicole, don't you dare use something at a vulnerable time to exploit me for your awful behavior."
" My awful behavior?" She says pointing her finger at herself. " For the third time, these are not mine." She says grabbing the peels from her bag and showing me the label. " They are Paige's!"
" Paige?"
" Yes, they may be the reason that she gave birth early. I was going to confront her about them today, but when I got there Seth was there and he... He-"
" He what?"  I ask getting concerned when I see her face.
" Nothing, it's just still awkward from what happened, and at first I didn't care I just wanted to be there for Paige and the baby. I then found out he will be staying until the baby gets out of the hospital. Which could take months, and I don't think I can deal with that."
" Oh." I say feeling bad about calling her a drug user and a liar. " Well, I can try and talk to him."
" You can try Roman, but remember you guys aren't exactly friends. You knocked him out in his home on Christmas Eve, remember?" She asks as she headed up the rest of the stairs.
She does have a point.

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