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The kids and I just pulled up to the house, and I see that Nikki is already here, because of her car. But I thought we were going to surprise the kids. But thankfully the kids didn't see her, once we get inside I notice Nikki is nowhere to be found. That's weird.

" Hey kids, stay here." I say as I leave the house foyer and start to look around for Nikki. She's not in the living room or her office. I then enter the kitchen and see her looking dazed at the wall with a wine glass full of red wine. " Nikki, are you okay?" I ask her as I hesitate to step forward. She then gets knocked out of her daze, and look up at me. But before even answering me, I hear footsteps running in our direction

" Nikki! " Jojo screams of happiness. " Your back. I missed you."

" I miss you too." Nikki says, but when she says it as if she lacks passion.

" Hey, Jojo. Go help your brothers get to settle in their room."

" Okay." She says. " I will be back Nikki, then we can watch Daniel tiger neighborhood." Nikki gives a half-smile, then look back down. Once Jojo gets closer to me she whispers " What's wrong with Nikki?"

" I don't know." I respond back. I wait for the kids to go upstairs until I confront Nikki again. I really don't know how to confront this situation, I've never seen her this down before. " Nikki?" I call out as I lift her head up.

" Yes."

" What's going on? What's wrong?"

" Randy."

" What did he do?" I ask getting defensive.

" He confronted me at the gym. Then force me to get into his car, or he would press charges what you did. We drove around and he parked to this complex. He then blamed me for giving me depression."

" Is that all?" I ask.

She shakes her head no. " He wants to be together, he wants to end things with Kim and I end things with you. I told him I would think about it, but I obviously didn't mean it. I just knew the only way he would leave me alone."

" Baby, I'm so sorry that happened. But did he touch you in any way?"

" No."

Hey everyone hope you liked this chapter. My original thought for this chapter was to make it a little more sexual, but I didn't want to get sued. I also didn't know what you as my readers have been sexually abused and didn't want to offend anyone.

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