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So I am really confused with my life right now. I obviously didn't sleep in the same room with Nicole last night, and I was expecting to see her tonight at smackdown but I woke up this morning with a text to meet her at the coffee shop by the arena. I assume she got my note, but I'll guess I will see.
But as of now I am delayed, because she is 20 minutes late. I soon see her appear but she does not come directly to me, but stops at the cashier first to order something. After getting her drink, she somewhat acknowledges me by walking to the table and says." C'mon let's go." I pick up my coffee from the small circled table and follow her to the busy street.

" I pick up my coffee from the small circled table and follow her to the busy street

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I follow her out the coffeeshop, and see her standing at the street crossing waiting to go. I walk to her standing side by side. I don't have time for this.
" What, Nicole?" I ask but instead of asking she just holds my hand, lifts her sunglasses and look me in the eyes aggressively.
" Thanks for coming." When she says that the cross light comes on giving us the the privilege to walk. When we get to the other side to the street she then looks at me again and says. " I am sorry about everything... Nia told me what happened, and I feel really bad. I don't want a divorce or anything else."
" Good, neither do I."
" But, I don't want to marry you in August."
" Baby, we are already married."
" Yes, I know, but the thought of marrying in front of marrying you in front of all of our friends and family is really scary."
" How long have you felt that way."
" Only a couple of months."
" Well, if you want to we can cancel the ceremony and reception, and just reveal that we got married a few weeks ago. I have already been married, I am just doing this whole ceremony for you."
" No... I just don't want to be humiliated again. Which I why I think I make up stories in my head to get out of serious situations. "
" What do you mean ' Humiliated'?"
" I am just don't wanna be people to think bad things about me, it's sucks. I am tired of hearing people saying I only got with you because you're a top guy." Nikki then takes off her shades and I see that she is crying. Forcing me to be little controlling, I pull her over to the side, in this alley.
" Stop, crying." I said wiping her tears." At the end of the day are you going to marry them or me?"
" You."
" Exactly, so screw them. And let's have a good wedding with the people we enjoy the most. Okay?"
" Okay." She says with a half-smile.
" Good, now let's get going. But you have to promise me that if you have any concerns you gotta let me know."
" I promise."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now