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This is honestly this is one of the worst days of my life. Nikki is angry at me because she think I cheated on her, but I didn't. But I can't tell her that because I am not suppose to mention anything. So I don't know if I should be loyal to my wife or someone who is like a brother to me?
We sit at the wedding party table after everyone welcomed us in, but I am getting anything welcome from Nicole, she won't even look my way.
" Hey, Nikki." I whisper she glance at me for a second only to say a few words.
" I am not dealing with you now." She then turns away.
" Fine, but I need to tell you something, it's important." She does not look my way but I can tell she is listening. " Brie, told me why you are angry at me. And Nikki I promise to you and on our marriage that I didn't do what you thought I did."
" Then who sperm was that?"
"  I can't say."
" Why?"
" Because I am not suppose to. I don't want to cause anymore drama here."
" Well, you already have if you won't tell me the truth."
We glance at each other for a good 30 seconds which felt like forever, the way she is looking. Before the a voice overcome us on the microphone.
" Can we all welcome the bride and groom, for their first dance!" Everyone claps and cheer as Nikki and I stand up and make our way to the dance floor.
As the music hits Nikki looks at me and says " You bet not mess this up."
But I am not sure if she was referring this dance or our marriage.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now