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After, today's crazy turns of events Roman and I decided that it was best to stay at our hotel and skip the house show. He sits at the end of the bed and stares at a blank television screen. While I was on my laptop but finally had the courage to go near him.

" Hey, Baby." I say as I take off his shirt to rub and massage his upper body. I can see the bruises already formed on his muscular body.

" Thank you." He says as he squeeze his eyes trying to ease the pain.

" No problem. Let me know if it hurt." I tell him. He shakes his head to show he understands. After a few minutes of me massage him I finally speak. " Why, Roman, why did you do it?"

He looks back at me and shrugs his shoulder. " I honestly don't know I went in there to talk, but he just made me so angry. I couldn't control my emotions. " He says putting his head down." And I am really sorry if I embarrassed you. It's just that I would do anything for you, Nicole."

" Roman, you didn't embarrass me. You just should how much of a badass you are." I say trying to make him feel better about everything.

" Oh really?" He asks with this huge smirk.

He then flips me over on the bed without warning as he stares passionately into my eyes. I then lift my head to kiss him slow but with passion. Before I know it our tongue connects with out of us evening knowing, like a puzzle piece. He starts to pull at my shirt, I raise my hands up to make it easier for him. He looks at my breast before he starts to devour them. He unclips and slips off my bra, so he could get an even better glance. I lay on my rear trying to slip off these jeans, as he leaves a hickey near my nipple. He sees that I am struggling with my pants so he helps me out, by flipping me over and pulling them down only leave my thong on. I can feel his eyes on me as he leaves me in nothing but my thongs. He slaps my rear a few times in complete and utter satisfaction. For a quick second he stops just to take a look at me.

" You're so damn beautiful." He says as rips and breaks my thongs then through it to side. He then flips me over by my pussy and starts to finger with me. I moan and laugh out of happiness." Did Daddy make you happy?"

" Y.... E.... S." I can barely get the words out as he continues to finger me. I soon see him lower his neck to my pussy. " UGH!" I scream as he places his head between my legs and starts to eat me out.

" Wait! Hold up." He says getting out of bed. I pick my head up to see Roman going in his suitcase. I lose track of what he is doing when he moves, but I soon heard the sound of the mechanical razor. I see Roman came with his razor in between my legs. " I just wanna make sure you are nice and clean down there. Don't move." He says.  I follow directions and try to stay calm whenever I felt he was getting close to my leg. But he calms me down. " Don't worry, I am not going to let anything happen to you." He says as he finishes up. He then gives me a quick peck on both my pussy and then my mouth. " Go get dress, I wanna take my queen to dinner."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now