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Being honest I have no idea, what is the deal with Nikki and me. She walks into my room last night and tells me how much she wants to be with me, but then tells us we are 'unofficially dating'. Like what does that even mean?

I am walking in the hallway on my way to Vince's office when I see Dean on the other side of the hallway. I quickly wave him down to draw his attention and then pull him to the side. " You gotta help me." I tell Dean.

" You finally did it... Did you?"

" Do what?"

" You finally finished the job with Seth."

" What! No! I haven't talked to Seth since everything went down. But do you know what ' unofficially dating' means?"

" Yeah... It means that your dating but it unofficial. Why?"

" Because of that what Nikki and I are doing right now. We talked last night but I am not sure if we are together or not."

" Well, Roman me being a love expert." I raise my left eyebrow of uncertainty. " Don't rush it, you are really lucky she accepted you back for after what you excused her of. So just be happy you are something even if that is unofficially dating."

"Yea I know... But it's just stupid awkward. Like this morning I saw her in the lobby. We talked for a few minutes but as the conversation closed I went in for a kiss but she went in for a hug. "

"Hmm... I see the problem my friend." He mumbles. " Here's what you do. Invite her to sleep in your room tonight, but make sure you make it seem friendly. Like a sleepover with friends. So no kissing and especially no sex."

" Wow... that's a good idea." I tell him as I shake my head.

" That's why they call me a love expert."

" No one calls you that." I say as I laugh off.
The show just ended about 30 minutes okay, and the building is starting to get cleared out. I was for Nikki by the back door of the arena.

She comes out about after 12 minutes of waiting with Becky. The two is having a conversation, so she doesn't notice me. " Nikki!" I call out. Both of them look behind them to see me walking there way.

" I'll meet you in the car." Becky tells Nikki, then walks away.Nikki nods her head to show she understands.

" Hey, what's up?" She ask me.

" Nothing really. But I wanted to see if you wanted to maybe spend the night with me." As those words leave my mouth I can see her frown upon the idea. " We can just chill and watch a movie or two. We don't have to do nothing-"

" That's sound perfect. I am riding with Becky, but text me your room number. I'll see you later , Roman."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now