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After everything went down and I revealed my decision to Roman last night, we went upstairs and we talked that's right we just talked. There was no makeup sex, he kissed me goodnight and that's it. I think we are improving already.

I wake up with Roman still sleeping next to me, lucky for me we were not in a cuddled position so I could easily slip out the bed without waking him up. I put on my slippers and head downstairs, I wanna do something special for Roman. I noticed last night that I made this breakup about me, and I didn't think about Roman. He lost so much, and I never took the time to pity him. So I wanna make it up to him, and I am making it up to him by making him breakfast. I've been around Roman long enough to know how much he loves home cook meals, and since we are always on the road I decided that I should make him some. There is just one problem I am not the best cook... So YouTube here I come.

After an hour of cooking, I have made 2 semi- burnt pancakes with whip cream and made him a 6 egg omelet with bacon, green paper, and cheese. All I have to do is cut up some fruit and make him some coffee.

As I turn around to work the coffee machine I feel two large hands touch my waist and hug me from behind. " I'll take a soy milk coffee with extra whip cream." Roman says joking around.

" Roman, you are supposed to be sleep." I wine as I break the hug.

" I know but I really like this house, and didn't wanna see it get burned down." He then gets low to my ear and whisper. " Between you, I was already up and was watching you sleep."

" Oh. But go sit at the table and I will bring you your food. " I say as I push him out the kitchen but my effort was no match for his strength.

" Fine! Fine! But what are you going to eat?"

" I don't know... I'll just grab something later." I guess my response is enough for him because he walks away.

After a few short 10 minutes, I have everything ready for him and bring it out. " You have outdone yourself and it looks amazing. You're amazing." He says then greets me with a kiss.

" Thanks." I say as I sit next to him and hold his hand on the table.

" Oh I have something for you." He says as he finishes chew up some of his food. He then reaches in his back pocket to grab something then pulls it out to show me.

" My ring!" I scream out and put it on my finger. " I miss this so much."

" Good. But are you going to start planning the wedding and everything or are we going to take some time for ourselves?"

" I'm not sure, but there is no harm in planning the engagement party. I'll call our wedding planner later on today, and tell her the wedding is back on."

" Great.... but I feel like a but is coming."

" It is... I feel like we should invite Seth." As those words leave my mouth he start to choke on his food. " I know it's crazy but he has been on this crazy journey with us, so it would be wrong to not invite him."

" Nikki, he also played a part in making the journey crazy. Plus he hasn't even tried to apologize or anything."

" So... Just be the bigger person."

" Fine, but go get dress, while I finish eating this amazing breakfast. I wanna take you somewhere."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now