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It's been a little over a week since I have seen or heard from Roman. I don't wanna call him, because if he wanted to talk to me he would have done so. And at this point, I really don't know what to do. So since today is Monday, and he is at RAW Brie and I have been packing the whole day since he wasn't home. My plan is to move back home to Arizona, I am already renting a home there about an hour away from Brie. I just got tired of staying at hotels on my off days and wanted a place to call home."

" Nikki, why don't you just stay with Bryan and me?" Brie asks

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" Nikki, why don't you just stay with Bryan and me?" Brie asks. " That's the least we can do."

" I already told you, No." I say closing my suitcase. " I just want some time to reflect."

" Just reflect at our house."

" No, Brie. I just wanna be alone. I haven't been alone to reflect on things since John and broke up the first time. I've always been with Randy, John, or Roman. I just need some Nikki Time."

" Well, how about his children? Do they know anything?"

" Not too much, I don't think. Jojo has been texting me lately and asking when I am coming home."

" Well, where they now."

" At Roman's ex-wife house."

" Dang, when does Roman get them."

" Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Which is why I am trying to be out asap."

" Does Roman even know you are here?"

" I am sure he knows now, he gets an alert on his phone the second the doors are opened. But, let's just get going to the airport. I don't want to miss my flight and be late for smackdown tomorrow and I am sure you want to see Birdie."

" Yeah, but when are you coming back for the rest of your things?"

" Whenever Roman is not here or allows me

With that Brie and I grab my things and start to head outside.
Nikki is moving out!

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