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I have been trying to get a word with Renne since yesterday after Brie told me about everything. And I know she said don't say anything I feel like I have too, it's not fair that everyone else knows and she doesn't.
I finally find her talking with Nattie backstage as we all prepare for the PVP.

I finally find her talking with Nattie backstage as we all prepare for the PVP

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" Hey Ladies!" I say trying to sound as positive as possible.
" Hey Nia. How are you?" She asks me.
" I'm great, that I see you guys. I was supposed to hang out with Nikki this morning and get her ready for there honeymoon because they leave tonight. But she cancels, she had to go to the doctor to make show she was cleared for tonight. But I was wondering if I could talk to you?"
" Yea." Renne and I walk off towards catering as we leave Nattie behind.
" So I pulled you over because I want you to hear this from a friend. But I don't know if you know this, but Nikki was not going to marry Roman yesterday."
" What? Why?"
" Because of the whole Vegas thing. She found sperm in the bed. So she was like I am not dealing with you because he kept saying it wasn't him. Nikki just wasn't having it, so she was like threatening to divorce him on the spot. Roman felt that pressure and didn't want to lose her so he goes 'Dean!' referring that he cheated on you in Vegas."
" And who told you this?"
" Brie, after Nikki and Roman left the reception. We were cleaning up her dressing room."
She starts to get a little emotional, so I bring her in for a hug.
" Oh, wow. So the twins knew and didn't even want to call me."
" Yea. I'm sorry girl."
" No its fine, I am going to have a talk with him. But thanks for telling me."

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