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So I was able to convince Brie to let Birdie stay home with Bryan and to fly out here to come with me to this appointment with Seth, so she flew out last night.

So I was able to convince Brie to let Birdie stay home with Bryan and to fly out here to come with me to this appointment with Seth, so she flew out last night

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" So are you nervous?" Brie asks me as takes a bite of her granola bar.
" Super, nervous."
" Because of the process?"
" No, I didn't tell Roman."
" Wait! Roman your fiance does not know you and his former best friend now his enemy is about to have a baby!"
" Well, we are actually more than that now." I say pointing to my brand new wedding ring.
" OMG! SHUT UP!" Brie says. " That diamond is... Wait you got married without me there."
" I know sorry, it was a total shock to me as well. We did it at the courthouse but we are still going to have our ceremony in August."
" Well, that's great. But you suck even more now... Since he actually your husband now."
" Shut up." I say punching her hard in her arm when I hear Roman coming down the stairs.
" Good morning girls." He says as he comes around the corner and gives me a second good morning kiss.
" Congrats on getting married." Brie says as she annoyingly points at my ring.
" Thanks." He says as he looks at me with a disappointing look.
" What? She's my twin, we tell each other everything."
" You can't use that for an excuse every time, Nicole." He says in a joking matter. " Anyway, what are you all doing today?"
" Umm... I wanted to take Brie to that new Vegan place across from the mall, and then she is helping with the final agreement for our wedding. What about you?"
" Just a check-up at the doctor, shouldn't be gone too long."
" Okay."
" Well, I am already running late so I gotta go, but I will see you when I get back." He says picking up his car keys making his way to the exit." Love you."
" Love you too." I say to him before the door closes.
" He is going to be so hurt, Nikki, when he finds out. I don't think you should go through with it."
" Well, I am. You don't get to talk because you have Birdie. Besides, it's going to take 3 weeks before we can even start the process, so that gives me 3 weeks to tell Roman. Anyway, Seth just said he will be here in 10 minutes."

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