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I lay down in the trainer room as I reach for my leg in pain, to adjust my ice pack.
" I got that." Roman says humbly walking in the room. He moves my ice pack to a more beneficial area.
" Thank you." I say trying to get comfortable again.
" You were amazing tonight." He tells me. I just smile, but I wanna address the elephant in the room.
" Roman?"
" Yes?"
" I am really sorry about the Seth-"
" No!"
" No, what?"
" No, I don't wanna talk about anymore. I realize during your match tonight that you were only trying to protect me. So let's just leave it alone, because we were both in the wrong and it is stupid to argue about it."
" I'm glad you think so." I say leaning in for a kiss. He kisses me back for a few seconds. After our a kiss we just hold hand for a couple of minutes in peace." Hey, what time is it?"
Roman pulls his phone out and reads the time to me." 8:34."
" Okay, can you get the doctor I don't wanna be here all night. "
" Alright, I'll be back." Roman kisses my forehead before he leaves.
Once he leaves I start to reposition myself when I hear Carmella's voice. " Hey, Nikki."
" Hey, what's up?"
" I was just coming to say congratulations on winning tonight. It was a really great match."
" Thanks, Mella. I really-"
" But I also came to warn you?"
" Warn me? About?"
" Well, during your match I saw Naomi go into Roman's dressing room. And I thought it was weird so I followed her. I couldn't get to close to hear what they were saying... but they looked pretty cozy. They hugged like twice or maybe even more I think. I was just saying because as your friend I would be worried  you know... he does have quite a repetition around here."
" Well, Thanks. But I am sure it's nothing."
" I am just saying Nikki, you rather be safe then sorry. But it's your loss anyway... but I will see you at your party tonight anyway. Bye." She does an annoying goodbye wave in my face before leaving out the door.
After a few minutes to myself Roman and the doctor comes back in. " Hey, Nikki are you feeling ?" The doctor says elevating my leg.
" Very confused." I say looking at Roman, but he doesn't notice.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now