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The second I walk into my hotel I start to cry more, I can't believe he would betray me like that after I told him something like that.

I start to unpack my things for the night as I try to relax in this empty suite only because we already y purchased the room the night. I take my makeup off and put my pajamas on as I try to find a good movie. After flipping through the channels I find the movie " Me before you." and pour myself a glass of red wine, because I don't wanna make any irrational decisions.

As the movie gets to a close to the finish, I hear a knock on the door. I am hoping it is Roman here to apologize, but the knock is too soft for him. " Who is it?" I ask as I get closer to the door.

" Naomi." I open the door to see Naomi walk in with a bag.

" Hey." I say trying to figure out what she is doing.

" Hey." She says as she puts her bag down on the couch. She looks around the room to see the tissue boxes and the open bottle of red wine sitting on the kitchen counter. " So what really happened. Because Roman told us in the car that you tried to cheat on him with Seth. But looking around that's obviously not the case."

" Well, Seth made a move on me and I rejected him. When I told Roman he somehow came up with this crazy story and then dumped me. Well not dumped me, but he called me a fraud which is pretty equivalent."

"Well, don't worry I came to cheer you up. Until Roman can get in the right frame of mind. So I ran to Walgreen and bought Tons of chocolate, 2 tubs of icecreams, but the rest is a surprise."

" Aw! Thank you so much." I tell her as I give her a huge hug. " But do you know where Roman is?"

" He's with Jimmy and Jey. They went to grab dinner." She tells me.

" Oh, okay. Well, movie do you wanna watch?"

It really hurts to hear that Roman has been to the hotel, and haven't made sure I got here safely or check on me. Like ugh! What type of fiance he is or do I even have one?

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now