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This behavior from Nikki has been going on for about a week now, and I don't know what to do. Because why would I want to ruin this when everything is going great. But at the same time, it's not true. We never talk about it and with Wrestlemania season going in I don't know when to.

Nikki and I flew back home to Tampa last night, she's been sleeping over lately but she has not moved back in yet. The only thing about her that is here is her suitcase and her green toothbrush in the master bathroom.

I wake up a few minutes earlier so I can surprise her with breakfast and we can finally have this long-overdue discussion. After being halfway through with the pancakes I am making her, I see Nikki come down stairs smiling in only a pink robe that not tied up exposing both of nipples and her vagina area and her dark hair in a messy bun.

" Good morning." She says seductively making her way near me as she purposely tries to throw me off my game.

" Good morning." I say flipping her pancake over. " Go get dress, I wanna have breakfast."

" Why not have each other for breakfast?" She says pointing to her lower section. Before climbing up on me forcing me to hold her.

" Because I want actually food."

" Am I not good enough?" She says jokingly pulling at my shirt. " Cmon baby lets get freaky, like last night." She says successfully pulling my shirt off. Leaving our upper bodies touching nipples to nipples as she standing on the balls of feet.
But I find myself falling for it, and all of a sudden my brain stops working and I scream out.

" I still love her!" Without evening saying her name Nicole knows who I am talking about and instead of hitting me out of anger, I see a teardrop fall down her eyes with more to follow. She pulls her robe up covering up everything and then runs upstairs as if she knew the whole time.
I decide not to go after her, and to give her some space because that is probably what she wants and needs right now.
In about an hour's time, she comes back downstairs with semi-wet hair and some gray yoga pants and a pink sweatshirt with Bella's logo on it and some boots. And of course her suitcase and her green toothbrush.
" I don't know if you care or not. But I am going to Nia's and I won't be at live events this weekend because I am going on my girl's trip."  She then slams the door leaving me with my mistakes.

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