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My head is pouring with pain as my eyes adjust to the light. " Ugh!" I moan trying to get rid of this hangover from last night. I turn my head to see Nikki still sleep across from me, I normally would wake her up but I will let her sleep. But most importantly I need some kind of pain medication.
I take the covers off my body and make my way downstairs to the kitchen to grab me a bottle of water only to see Paige eating some of my fruit. " Hey, when did you come in?" Paige says putting a strawberry in her mouth. I just ignore her and open the fridge. " Woah, Roman, did I do something?"

I slam the fridge and approach her quickly and aggressively. " Yes, Paige you did something." I yell at her. " You knew that whole time that the baby was not mine. You purposely got pregnant by a donor. And on top of that you used Nicole."

" Roman, Nikki invited me here, I didn't ask."

" Well you had no problem accepting."

" She insisted, I didn't have no choice."

"Well, you don't have a choice now. I want you out of here by noon. And all of-"

" What is going on here?" I look behind me to see Nikki standing with her arms crossed.

" Nikki, Paige is lying about the baby thing and she is using you."

" Roman, Paige already told me that Seth knew. We had this discussion last night. Plus, why do you care so much about Paige's baby?"

I look at Paige for a little while, she slightly shakes her head as if she is begging me not to say anything. Then I look at Nikki as she waits for my answer, I don't see the point in lying to her because the truth always comes out. " Because I was an option to be Paige baby's father." I blurt out.

Nikki looks confused for a little while until she gets it. " You slept with Paige?"

" Yes, but it was when we were separated."

Nikki then walks past me, and straight over to Paige. " Get out of my house, slut." Nikki yells, then slaps Paige in the face.

" Nikki, I am so sorry." Paige says as she starts to cry.

" Get out, Now!" Nikki yells again leaving me speechless.

" Fine." Paige says grabbing her car keys, phone, and jacket. " I am sorry again." Paige says before walking out the door.

The room is silent after the door slam, and I can't read Nikki's face since her back is facing me. I walk to Nikki slowly only to hug her from behind. " Are you okay?" I ask her. She doesn't answer but only just turns around and starts crying in my chest.

" I am only letting this slide because I slept with Adam... But don't you ever do this to me again. You understand?"

I shake my yes before understanding what she said. " Wait... Your memory is back?"

" Yea, it came back last night."

" When we're going to tell me?"

" At a better time than this."  She says making her way upstairs.

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