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The day is earlier and Roman is already out of the bed which means he's either at the gym in town or in the kitchen downstairs. I get up and slide on my robe making my ways downstairs, only to smell the smell of BREAKFAST! So he must be in the kitchen. And I am Right.
" Baby!" I yell scaring him as he almost drops the fork filled with fluffy eggs on the ground but catches it a few inches off. But the food wasn't so lucky." Sorry." I say laughing a little as I turn around and rip off a piece of paper towel.
" Here you go!"  He takes the paper towel from my hand cleans up the splatter eggs then makes his way to the dining room to enjoy the rest of the meal. I follow but first grab a clean plate from the cabinet and grab some breakfast that he made.
" Umm, how did you know that was for you?" He says in a joking way.
" Because I know." I say giving him a smile before he leans in for a kiss and I kiss for a few moments with our tongues connecting. " Baby! You got morning breath." He starts to laugh at me overreacting. " What is so funny?"
" You are."
" Yeah, because I hate when you do that. You should brush your teeth before you eat."
" Why? The food would be nasty. Plus, you didn't brush your teeth either."
" I had gum, this morning."
" Your insane." He says laughing at me. The room goes quiet for a little while, before my phones off and I frown at it." What?"
" Nothing... Just Brie emailed something about my bachelorette party tonight."
" Oh... let's get this out the way. What does she has planned?"
" I am not sure she's trying to surprise me. But I told her nothing stupid... I just want a classy party."
" But what are Jimmy and Jey planning for you?"
" I am not sure, as well. Probably just dinner then the club." A look of sadness comes to my face, when I tell myself he may be referring to the strip club. He must notice because he stops eating and puts his hands over mine. " Don't worry, I am going to behavior. I don't want to do anything to disrespect you or make you angry, Nicole."
" Same, Roman."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now