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I am sleeping upstairs when I hear Nikki come upstairs the stairs of the beach house I rented. " Roman!" She yells in a less serious tone than earlier, which I hope means she has calm down.

" I'm in the bedroom." I yell as I try to fully wake up. I soon see Nikki come upstairs and into the room.

" Are you up?"

" Yea. I was just on my phone. What's up?"

" Nothing the beach just got kinda boring." She says. I lean scoot over a little and tap the bed to give her room to sit down. She ends up laying down, and I naturally put my arm over her waist. " I'm sorry." She says as slowly turns around to look at me. " I know you got in a fight with Randy to defend me."

" And I am sorry for throwing the fact that you cheated with Randy in your face again. It does bother me sometimes."

" I know it does and I am sorry. And the only reason I did was that he had things on you. And I didn't want it to get out. So I thought making this sacrifice would be good, but when I woke up in his bed all I felt was guilt."

" Wow, Nikki. I am sorry for throwing that in your face. "

" Don't be I deserve it."

" No, but you do deserve a nice dinner with an old expensive bottle of wine."

" Oh, you are speaking my language."

" Good. Let's go, the place is about 20 minutes, away." I say

Nikki and I are seated with a beautiful view of the beach, as the wind blows throw her beautiful dark hair

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Nikki and I are seated with a beautiful view of the beach, as the wind blows throw her beautiful dark hair.

" So how did you enjoy the beach today?" I ask her as I reach across the table for her hand. She accepts it and takes a deep breath.

" It was good, I just wish we weren't arguing the whole day. So you could have spent the day with me as well."

" I know, I wish the same. " I say gazing directly into her eyes. " But, Nicole, believe it or not, I feel like we are both coming from previous hurting relationships. And we want everything to be out ourselves because we feel like we deserve that. But when I think like that it's not fair to you and when you think like that it's not fair to me."

" Roman, are you trying to break up with me?" She says with watery eyes.

" No... No. What I am trying to say is a relationship, should be about sacrifice. So today when you were at the beach I called our wedding planner and told her that even though I really wanted to get married in the Samoan islands, there is a very beautiful, sweet, and funny girl that wants to get married in a vineyard at Napa Valley, and I love that girl very much, and I am willing to make that sacrifice for her."

"Oh My Gosh! " She says getting out her chair and sitting in my lap. " I can't believe you did that for me.  I love you so much, Roman."

" I love you forever, Nikki."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now