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( Photo Credit to owner)" Alright, Cars here!" Brie shouts as Nia takes a few more pictures of us, before heading to the venue, when we here it beep to let us know if it's arrival

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( Photo Credit to owner)
" Alright, Cars here!" Brie shouts as Nia takes a few more pictures of us, before heading to the venue, when we here it beep to let us know if it's arrival.
" Yeah, let's go." Nattie says as she leaves the kitchen and make her way out the door nearly forgetting her purse and phone.
" I am so nervous." I say walking to the back of the house to get my suitcase, since we are staying at another house. Roman and I decided that it was best to keep tradition alive and that he shouldn't see me till I am walking down the aisle.
" Why?" Becky ask I pass her.
" I don't want nothing to crazy that would make Roman upset. I hear things that go down on nights like this can ruin the marriage, and I don't want that.
" it's all good... just trust your sister." Naomi says to me as she is sliding her shoes on.
I give her a smile showing my agreement with her. " Alright... But would you know anything about Roman's party tonight."
" No...they were very private when planning. But Roman loves you and won't do nothing stupid."
Once we get out of the van Brie leads us to this Italian restaurant. When we get inside I stand behind letting Brie take the wheel. " Bachelorette party for Nicole." She tries to whisper but I hear her.
" Right, this way." The host says leading us to this private room down the long hallway. My anxiety starts to wavier, what does she has planned. Will there be half naked dancer or lace lingerie on the table? After taking a few more steps we finally enter the room, and I see none of those things. I observe the room to see Paris theme things every where like a miniature Eiffel Tower standing nearly 9 feet tall at the window, with a layout replica of the Louvre Museum that stretches out on the 7 foot table. And the last but not least to finish the Paris design is Cathédrale Notre-Dame of Paris wallpaper. I then notice that there's a huge banner that says ' congratulations Nicole.' In black letter with a gold glitter background.
The others start to walk around the room taking selfies with everything, giving me the opportunity to find Brie looking at me. Once we make eye contact I mouth to her. " Thank you. I love it."
And she mouths back. " Good." Before giving me a large smile. She then turns to the rest of the group getting their attention. " I think this party needs some champagne. Let's pop some bottles!"
" Let's do it!" I say finally letting my guard down hoping to have a stress free night.

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