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After Nikki told me last night, that she is supposedly pregnant I cannot help to smile. I called WWE earlier this morning and told them that we won't be there, with giving to much information. We decided that we didn't want to tell anyone yet, until we are super sure she is.

I see Nikki sitting at the end of the bed putting her heels on. I quickly run over to her and get on my knees, and help her with her shoes on. "Pregnant women's are not suppose to put their shoes on."

" I appreciate the help, but Roman I am not even a month pregnant."

" I know, I just wanna help."

"Well, if you wanna help so bad grab my suitcase for me." She demands of me.
Nikki and I have been driving for about 2 hours since we decided that we wanted to turn this into a road trip. A few words have been said towards each other, I think we just want to enjoy each other company. But there is something that seems kinda off.

" Nicole?" I ask, she immediately looks up at me.

" Yes."

" There is a restaurant that has the most amazing sandwiches, do you wanna stop by and eat."

" Yeah, if you want to." She respond back.

" She respond back

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Nikki and I just placed our order, she got a turkey sandwich with everything on it while I got a rib sandwich with onion and coleslaw all roasted on a toasted bun. Once the waiter leaves I recognize Nikki daze has focused on the floor, just like she did in the car.

" Let me in, Nicole. What's happening up there?" I say as I reach across the table to hold her hand.

" It's nothing... It's just stupid." She says. I can tell her eyes are starting to water. " oh, look at me I am crying now." She says laughing it off and trying to catch the tears before they run down her smooth and tan face.

" Well, it's not stupid if you are crying over it." I tell her. I grab a tissue and start to destroy the tears that are already on her face, she gives me a quick ' thanks for trying' smile. " What's bothering you?"

" I'm just scared." She says as she takes a long sip of her cold and clear water that is surrounded by ice in a glass cup.

" Scared of what?"

" I am scared of losing everything or and being a bad mother. I don't wanna lose you."

" Why would you lose me?"

" I don't know. I am going to get fat soon, and you might go off and sleep with someone else, and leave me for her."I laugh at her foolish remark. " What's so funny?" She asks as she starts to wipe her tears.

" Nicole, why would I leave you when I love you to death. 2nd, I am going to be by her side so much after you are 6 months pregnant, that you are going to want me out of your face." I then lean into closer to whisper. " Plus I head pregnancy sex, is the best sex." I tell her to try and make her feel better.

" Really?" She whispers back.

" Uh... Yea." I say as I sit back in my original format.

" Ok, but let's say I am a bad mom?"

" Your not going to be. Whenever I pick the kids up for the weekend all they do is talk about how excited they are to see you. So you much be doing something right. Now is there anymore concerns or are we going to enjoy our lunch?"

" Well, there is one more."

" What is it?"

" Well, when I imagined having my first child. I thought I would be married and have a more stable relationship."

" Oh, okay. Well, m the only thing I can offer you for that is if we get married at a drive-through chapel-like 30 minutes away from here or we can plan a last-minute wedding with no engagement party, but no matter what I just have a healthy baby and you to be healthy. " I say as I lean across the table to kiss her.

" Your so sweet." Nikki says. " I will pay you in sex if you become my counselor."

" oh sounds very very convincing." I say as I take a sip of my sprite though the clear straw. " Hey, I'm sorry to spring this on you, but I wanna make things right between my family. So I was thinking we should spend the night over there, but we don't have to them you are pregnant."

" I don't know, Roman, last time was awful."

" I know, but my sister won't be there plus my mom is dying to see the entrapment ring in person. Please, it will mean a lot to me?"

" Fine, only because it will make you happy, but you have to buy me another side of fries to go."

" Deal."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now