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Nikki opens up the passenger door next to me, and by the looks of it, she's not happy.
" Hey, what's wrong? Did Renne cancel?"
" Can you just drive! And shut up!" she screams out. I start to do what she commands until I realize that I should probably handle this before I have to deal with this behavior for another 12 hours on an isolated plane. I put the car in park, take the keys and leave them in the cupholder. " Go, you, idiot!" She attempts to get the keys, but I get them quicker and throw them on the ground.
" I am not dealing with this stupid mood swing, I just saw you five minutes ago and you were ready for this trip. So what could happen that fast?"
Before she answers she starts to cry." What could happen that fast, is your hypocrite. You sat at the kitchen table and told me that you don't want to do anything to make me angry, but Renee just told me a whole other story... And don't even try to deny it. She even showed me the video. Which is truly why a camera was in the room. " She finally wipes her tears, before they fall and hit her shirt. "Gosh, I am I joke to you!" She starts to pound on my chest angrily, I can feel the bruises forming. But I say nothing. " Do you know how upsetting and embarrassing it is to not only hear but to see a woman sucking your husband's cock over and over, as he cheers on her? And tell her how amazing she is, as cum drips in her face and her boobs? I admit that I am no saint, but you never saw Randy and I intimate, you only heard. Because I wouldn't dear have the balls to make you watch that, and I don't have the balls to record that. Last night is branded in my mind." I just sit there feeling bad speechless, because I don't know what to say. " Say something, you idiot."
I am honestly at a loss of words, and all I can do is an apology. " I am so sorry, Nicole." I start to cry showing my true emotions, but she only slaps me.
" No, you don't get to cry! You weren't crying when you were fingering her."  and she right, I made these choices and I need to live up to them.
" No, your right. So I will cancel our plane tickets to France, and everything else. I will book a hotel here tonight. And first thing in the morning I will take you to the closest court, and you can file for divorce. But you will never understand, how sorry I am. I awful I feel that I made you hurt like that."
" No, Roman you are only sorry because you got caught. You threw Dean under the bus so quick, to save your self. And being honest I don't want to be here with you another minute for this toxic relationship, but I can't leave."
" Nicole, it's fine. I made you hurt, you can go. I don't care if the public cares if we have been married for a day."
She looks up in disbelief of what I just said as if I made it worse for myself. " You think I care about what the public thinks about me? Well, guess what I don't. I can't leave you Roman, because I am pregnant. And I refuse to let my baby grow up in a fatherless household."

Last chapter of the book. Hope you all liked.♥️
Should I do an out of the ring part 4? Let me know in the comment section.

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