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After Dinner Brie and Daniel leaves with Birdie. Which just leave Nikki, Jojo, and I. I see Nikki packing up left over and putting it in the fridge. I gently slide my arms around her waist, and start kissing her neck.

" let's start round 2." I say. She giggles and smiles at my response.

" I can't I have plans already."

" With who?" I ask getting protective.

" Jojo, I missed two episode of Daniel tiger's neighborhood and I have to make it up." She says, making me calm down a little.

" You scared me there. But get ready to leave in the morning, our flights leave around noon. I am sure I can add you on." As I say those words I see her face expression change, but for the worse. " Nicole, what's wrong?"

" Roman?"

" Yes."

" I am not going back."

" What? why? I thought you missed me... us?"

" Roman, I do. You have no idea, but I can't go back just yet."

" I just don't understand."

" Roman, I have not be alone for 7 years. I date John for 5 of those, then we broke up. Randy and I started, then you and I. But after we broke up the first time, I ran back to John."

" And?"

" And, I need time to find myself. So much has happened in the past 7 years, and I just need to figure it out."

" What, does this mean for us?"

" I don't know, Roman."

" Well, are we breaking up."

" No, Roman I just need some space. But I love you, Jojo, and the boys very very much."

After Nikki tells me the news, I lay in her bed. Knowing that I have officially blew it with her.

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