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Brie and I lay in the master bedroom that Roman and I share, as I tell her about yesterday. " I was so stupid and drunk, but Adam was so nice and caring. And the sex was good but it wasn't like Roman touch. Roman makes it all about me, but Adam fucked me like a rabbit."

Brie then starts laughing. " Well, I hope you learned your lesson. But have you talked to him?"

" I smiled before he left, I didn't want to get to close. Because his girlfriend looks mad. I hope he doesn't kiss and tell."

" I know. But what about Roman, did you tell him?"

" I think he knows, but doesn't wanna make it true. So he is not going to ask or say anything. I just wish I could redo my-" I stop talking when I hear the door open and close. " He's back." I say as I get out of the bed and run downstairs to go and see him. I run into his arm forcing him to drop his bag. " Your home! I missed you."

" Nikki I was not even gone for a day." He says putting me down. Then he walks towards the television and flips his large body on the couch.

" Do you want anything to eat? I'll make breakfast." I say as I lay my head on his chest

" No, I am good." he says as I turns the tv on.

" Well, in that cases." I say putting my legs between him, then I start to kiss him. He kisses me back a few times before gently pushing me off. I get up and I see a care less Look in his eyes. " Roman!" I yell getting his attention. " I'm sorry, I was mad and frustrated, and I made a stupid mistake. Please don't hold it against me." I say getting on my knees and I sit in front of him. " I would do anything for you to forgive me. " I then grab his arm and point out the tattoo on his arm. " You said I was stuck with you. Then prove it, Roman."

" Nikki, another man touched and kissed you, where I should be only have touched you. But I understand that I provoked you to feel you felt when you made that choice. So I am going to let it go, but I need two things from you. I am taking you to the doctor to get cleaned out today, I am not going to touch you until you do. And I don't want to see you talking to Adam ever again."

" Okay, deal. I'll get dress now." I say running upstairs to the bathroom. I get not talking to Adam part, but the getting cleaned out part is a little far. But whatever it takes for him to forgive me. "

As I go upstairs I check my phone to see the time but I am surprised by a text that I have.

Yesterday was fun... Let's do it again.

I roll my eyes knowing exactly who it is.

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