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After reassuring Nikki that our relationship is stronger then it's ever been, I made my way to the locker room. The second I walk in, everything eyes latch on me, I pay them no attention, but I noticed Dean and Randy are nowhere to be found.

I put my black gym back down on the wooden and polish bench that lays out in the middle of the room and it's black carpet, only to be interrupted by a locker room staff member.

" Roman." I look behind me to see a lean man who is a few inches shorter than me standing in the doorway wearing a black collar shirt with the WWE logo at the top of it, and beige jeans. " Sir, I was told to come and get you." I knew where this was going so I start walking out the door because I didn't want to make his job harder. " Please, bring your bag." I back up my steps only to grab my bag and then proceed to my original plan. Once I get to the doorway I stare him down. " Thank you." He says.

He leads me to this office which isn't really an office just a few chairs and a foldable table with a hardwood kitchen floor and white wallpaper. I see Stephanie, Vince, and Hunter all with their arm cross as they look at me.

" I have a show starting in 30 minutes so I am going to keep this short." Vince says.

I see Hunter step up and approaches me directly. " Unnamed Source said that Randy started the fight."

" So Dean said Randy started the fight?" I say in a snarky comment.

" Yes, but that's not the point." Stephanie says.

" The point is you are suspended for 2 days, come back for smackdown live Tuesday night." Hunter says in a mean tone.

" Are you serious?" I ask throwing my hands in the air. " Why?"

" For leaving work without authorization. We had to change up the whole show."  Hunter says.

" But if it makes you feel better, Randy got suspend for a week for starting a fight."

" Fine, I'll -"

" That's not all, Roman." Stephanie says. I turn back around to see what else she has to say. " Nikki left early as well, she gets the same consequences."

" Stephanie that's not fair, I made her come with me."

" But I am sure she had a choice." Hunter says.

" Well, let me take her days, and suspend me for 4 days."

" Sorry, Roman. But she has to serve her own consequences. Now should we tell her or do you want to?"

" I'll do it."

I then walk out of the office with my bag around my shoulders. I really don't care about getting suspended, but I feel awful about Nikki getting suspended.

I am walking down the shallow hallway trying to figure out how I am going to tell her. But my time is up when I turn the corner, and see her with her back turnt to me. I quickly try to turn around but she catches me.

" Roman!" She yells. " Where have you been? I've been looking for you for like 10 minutes. Is everything okay?"

 Is everything okay?"

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" Nikki we have talk..."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now