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I watch Nikki match out of the corner of my eye, not giving it much attention. As I try to prepare myself mental for my match, but I just can't seem to do it with all of this drama going on. I mean yea I already knew but it sucks because she kept digging a deeper hole of lyes and she didn't even the respect to tell me.

" Hi." I hear a soft sweet voice come from behind me. I turn around and see Naomi. She gives me a quick hug from behind before sitting down at the seat next to me. " How are you?"

" I'm good." I say smiling at her while I put my boots on.

" No your not. I know that smile, you and your cousin both do it when you try to cover things up." She says making me laugh. " And I also know about you and Nikki. She told me this morning."

" Well what she did is messed up."

" it is. I can admit that even though Nikki is my girl, but I think she wanted to protect you more than anything. But that's not what I came to talk about. I noticed that you're not standing in the gorilla supporting her. I know what she did was messed up, but I feel like this is just a small disagreement you too will get over and probably not talk about again. But what Nikki will remember is you not being there for her wrestle mania moment, like this is a big deal not just for her but the whole division. And I know she would love for you to be waiting there with an open hug and many kisses. Now go." She says playing fully pushing me.

" Why are you always right?" I say hugging her.

" Because I am. Now go." She says releasing herself from the hug and pushes me again.

By the time I get to the gorilla, Nikki's match is coming to a close. I take a seat at a spear seat next to Vince. He passes me a headset to use, as I observe the match.

" Aw, guys Nikki Bella is tired you can see it in her face." Tom Phillip says. The camera shows her gasping for air as she hangs on to the ropes.

" Exactly if Alexa wins tonight, I don't know who will be able to stop her." Bryon says.

Nikki then gets up off the ropes and kicks Alexa in her face. Alexa falls to the ground giving Nikki time to go for her springboard kick off the ropes, but when she does she misses Alexa and falls awkwardly.

" Oh that doesn't look too good. Nikki may have reinjured her leg." Renee says as the camera shows Nikki and the ref.

I see the referee ask if she is fine. She nods her head, yes, but I know she's not. Nikki continues too limp over to Alexa to pin her, but she kicks out at two. Nikki continues to kick Alexa until Alexa pulls her down making her bump her head but more importantly damaged her leg more. Alexa then gets up and goes on and hits Nikki with a twisted bliss.

"1.... 2..." The ref counts but Nikki gets her shoulder up at 2 and a half.

" That was close... You can see that Nikki wants the titled. She wanna prove that she is more than a pretty face." Tom says.

Nikki then gets up shocking Alexa with a forearm smash right in the face. It doesn't knock her down completely put it allows Nikki to get her for her finisher. Nikki puts Alexa on her shoulders and grounds her for the rack attack 2.0

"1...2...3." The referee counts.

" And your new smackdown women's Champion is Nikki Bella." The crowd goes wild as her hand is raised and the belt is handed to her. But as everyone else is cheering I notice Nikki is still limping as she tries to hide it with a smile.
" Hey, Vince, she hurt." I whisper to him.

" I know." He whispers back. " When Nicole comes in help her to the back. " He tells two refs.

When Nicole comes in the whole room erupts with clapping, and she is taken to the back. But I don't even get a chance to say anything to her.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now