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After Nikki and I, engagement news broke this morning, I have been getting harassed everywhere I have gone, even the restroom.

Anyway, I just want a night of relaxation, and the perfect way for doing that is tonight. With Nikki and my double date with Brie and Bryan.

" Babe, we have to match tonight!" Nikki yells at me from the hotel bathroom

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" Babe, we have to match tonight!" Nikki yells at me from the hotel bathroom. " We are engaged, Now."

" Yes, I know. I bought the ring. " I say sarcastically. " Plus you are in the bathroom, you can't even see me."

I regret those immediately when I hear the sound of Nicole's shoe click the wooden ground as she walks my way.

" Roman!" She yells." You are literally wearing a pink tie." She says tugging at my tie.

" Hey, it matches your eye shadow or whatever that is above your eyes."

" No, my eyeshadow is bronze." I just smile and laugh at her. " It's not funny."

" Yes, it is Nicole. We are going to dinner with your sister and her husband. Who is probably going to be wearing plaid pattern shirts and pants. And you acting like we are going to the met gala. I just wanna enjoy myself, okay?" I say reaching for hands.

" Fine." She says giving me a kiss. " But we are already late, so let's go."

" Yes, ma'am"

When we arrive 30 minutes later, we see Brie and Bryan already there

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When we arrive 30 minutes later, we see Brie and Bryan already there. Bryan is half way through his water, and looks miserable. While a drunk Brie just finishes her 3rd glass of wine, as two glasses lay in front of her.

" Sorry, we are late. There was traffic." Nikki says. Before she looks sits down, I bull Nikki arm aside. " What?" I nudge my head at Bryan shirt.

" I called it." I say playful.

After 10 minutes, Nikki and I place my order and decide to buy another bottle of wine for the table.

" Brie, I think that's enough wine." Nikki says.

" What! Are you Afraid of Brie Mode!" Brie yells, making a few people at the restaurant look our way.

" No, now shut up. But remember you are still breastfeeding Birdie." Nikki says

" Shit." Brie says realizing Nikki is correct.

" Hey, I am going to use the restroom. I should be back before, the food comes." Nikki says to the table, then kisses me.

Subsequently, after Nikki departs away out of sight. Brie turns to me. " I am so glad you too are still together, after everything."

" I'm sorry, What?" I ask

" Wait, she didn't tell you?" Brie ask me

" Brianna, Don't." Daniel says looking at her.

" No, I wanna know."

" No, you don't. Or at least hear it from her." Daniel says looking intensely into my eyes.

I then look out of the corner of my eyes to see Nikki coming back from the restroom. " Brie just tell me."

" No!" Daniel yells.

" Nikki has been sleeping with Randy Orton, "  Brie says. As the words leave her mouth, my heart break. I know it must be true because she is not the first person to tell me this. 

" Roman, don't react." Daniel says, but at this point, that's the only thing I could do. I then feel Nikki's hand touch my shoulder.

" Hey, what did I miss?" She asks having no clue what just happened.

" Don't touch me, ever again." I say getting up and leaving the table.

" Roman!" Nikki screams but I don't look back.

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