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There is no way in hell I am going up to Adam and apologizing. And I am not saying this  because of my pride, I just don't think he deserves one after his behavior. Like who hits on an engaged Woman after she rejects him, it's insane to me.

But the good news is that I have calm down and I am ready to leave the room. I walk out the room to see that everything has gone back to normal, so I hope, I countinue my journey to catering to see that there is not a lot of people in there which makes me happy because I feel like being alone right now. I just grab an ice cold water bottle from the freezer then takes a seat at one of the tables, as I wait for my match tonight.

" Oh hey Roman." I look up to see Natalya coming my way, which means Nikki match must be over since that was her opponent tonight. I nod my head at her, and she takes a seat. " I heard what happened earlier, is everything okay?"

I shake my head no, and look down. " I don't think I can marry, Nicole."

Natalya looks at me with uncertainty. " Do you mean like in August or-"

" I mean like never. I seriously can't see myself marrying her. At this point I feel like we have gone through to much drama, and it's a unfixable. "

" Roman, you don't mean that." Natalya says reaching out for my arm to try and comfort me. " You are just having a bad day."

" No. I've been feeling this way for a long time. Being honest I really didn't want to propose to her so soon, it was just expected of me to do so. And everything is moving so fast. Time moves so fast for us and before we know it's going to be August. And I don't wanna be trapped in a love less marriage."

" Are you saying you don't love Nicole?"

" No, but i have a huge fear of her falling out of love with me and me falling out of love with her. And I don't think it is fair to either one of us."

" Well, why do you think that is going to happen?"

" Because our relationship is not normal. She literally started off being my mistress, and then I was just stupid enough to fall in love with her. And we hide things from each other, and I've cheated so many times and haven't told her and she have on me. And I tried to hide it by buying her a house. Or whatever makes her happy but it's not working anymore. I have never been in a position where I had to jeopardize my reputation for a significant other because they made dumb choices. "

" Roman, you can not look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love that girl. I see the way you look at her when you are together and the way you check in on her every hour when you aren't together."

" Well, maybe you are right at the moment. But I just feel bad. Because everything I put her through and how much I came a priority to her."

" Okay, Roman. Like I said you are just mad and frustrated, you don't mean what you are saying. How about you leave now and Nicole can ride with me and the girls, and with me tonight. It will gives you some time to think in peace."

" Alright, Thank Natalya." I say getting up to hug her.

" No problem. I think you are just scared of getting married again, but everything will be okay."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now