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I wake up to see that Nikki has rolled over to my bed and had somehow rolled under my arms without me recognize. A brief smile comes over my face until I see that I am being watched. " When did you get here?" I asked startled.

" I flew in at about 4 this morning and picked up Nattie at 6 since she was unable to drive herself. Then we made our way to the hospital... And the rest is history."

" We were going to wake you two, but you all are two cute." Natalya says referring to me and Nikki.

" Yea... but now since you are up, can I talk to you?" Brie asks with a little bit of an attitude.

" Uh, yeah sure." I say unfolding the blanket off of me and putting it on, Nikki."

" I'll watch her." Natalya says.

" Thanks, this should Be real quick." Brie says to Natalya. Her attitude is really throwing me off and I have no idea, where this going. Brie and I stand right outside the large window that shares both Nikki's room and the hall way. " Were you seriously going to break up with my sister?"

" I'm not sure. But who told you?"

" Natalya."

" Of course she did." I say rolling my eyes.

" Look, if you don't wanna be here then just leave. I will tell Nikki that something came up."

" I obviously wanna be here, with Nikki. And I still love her and didn't mean what I said, which is why I am also here."

" So your not here out of guilt?"

" No, why would I be guilty?" I ask.

" Because you're the reason, Nikki got in this accident. If you were not having a mid-life crisis then, Nikki would not be here now." She says pointing to Nikki in the hospital.

" Look, Brie, it wasn't a mid-life crisis. I was just angry and said some stupid stuff. All I ask was for some space, but I couldn't even get that. I was hurt, and just need time to heal. How would you feel if Daniel hooked up with another woman, at your engagement party, and he always defends her no matter what."

" Look, Roman.  I see your point, but-" We stop when the nurse from last night walked up to Brie and me.

" Hi sorry to interrupt... But I need to get Nicole's release paper ready. Does she live with either one of you?"

" Me." Brie and I both say.

" Okay, well I can see there is a little miscommunication. Do you need time to talk about this over."

" No, Nikki lives with me in Flordia."

" But I am her twin sister, and she should be living with me in Arizona."

" Look I know it's not my business... But they say when someone has memories lose the best thing you can do is put them in their normal environment. And Nikki normally lives with Roman that is probably the best option."

" Whatever you just think he is cute... Wait Nikki has memory loss?"

" Yea, I tried to tell you." I say.

" Well, how bad is it?"

"She thinks our engagement party is in a week so, maybe 2 weeks of memories lost."

" Well, Nikki is lucky. I've seen worse cases." The nurse says. " But I also came here to tell you Nikki is being released. So, Roman, I need you to sign some information later."

" Alright, thanks, nurse." I say giving her. Smile.

" Whatever Brie." says as we both walk into Nikki's room.

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