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Roman and I are cuddling in bed when I suddenly wake up. I feel the urge to pee since I don't know this house that well, I think of where the nearest bathroom. I come to the conclusion, that it's probably the one in the hallway between the kitchen and foyer. I look to my far left to see that the sun has just risen less than 15 minutes ago. Before using the bathroom I decide to look throw my phone to see if I missed any calls or text.

I then tear the blanket off of me, to only be shaken by what I see. Tears commence down my face because I don't know what this means I quickly wake up wake Roman. " Roman! Roman!" I shout. He gets up in a very alarmed manner.

" What's wrong?" He asks looking around trying to figure out why he is up this early. I point down to the fact that there are blood and other liquids down near my vagina area and that I have bled out on the sheets and blanket. It takes Roman a few seconds to understand what was happening, but he tries to keep a cool manner. " Okay, let's calm down." He tells me. " Are you able to walk?"

" I don't know yet. I haven't tried."  After hearing my answer he quickly runs my way to help me to my feet. I try and take a few steps but the pain is too much to handle. " Roman, I can't." I moan.

" Alright, I'll carry you." With one swoop he takes me off my feet and carry me to the car.

" Where are we going?" I ask him.

" The hospital." He tells me as he puts me in the car. " Watch your head." He says as he closes the door. He rapidly gets and starts the car. The hospital ride was shorter then 10 minutes, but felt like forever. The whole time Roman kept trying to tell me that it will be okay, but that hard to belief.

Once we arrive to the hospital Roman is able to carry me into we are able to reach a wheel chair. Since Pensacola is so small, there is no one really in the hospital at this time beside staff. Roman leaves me in the lobby, as he runs to the front desk. But as he does this Roman Doctor friend who my original appointment is with walks by.

" Roman? " He ask as he is unsure why we are here so earlier. " Why are you hear so earlier your appointment isn't until noon, it's not even 6?"

" We know, but something happened." Roman says as he points to me.

" Oh..." His friend says. " I need staff in room 305 ASAP." He demands. He then grabs my wheel chair and takes me to the back. " Roman stay here, I will get you when I am done. I will do everything I can."

The door then slams shut, and I can no longer see Roman.

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