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I come downstairs with my wedding planning journal and a photo book from our engagement to show Roman, who is quietly sitting on a stool at the kitchen island. I take a seat next to him, only to see him quickly put his phone away.

" Hey kid, how's your memory treating you?" He says kissing my forehead which makes me smile.

" The same."

" Well, it could be getting worse. Is that photo book from our engagement party?"

" Yea, I thought looking through it would help my memory but no. But I am more worried about you, what's going on? You have been acting strange since I told you Paige was moving in. I can move into a hotel if that helps."

" No, it's not Paige. I am just having a bad day."

" Well, is there any way I can make that better?"

" Actually, yes."

" Name it, whatever it is I will do it."

" How about we look through the wedding journal."

" I was hoping you say that." I say quickly kissing him, before opening the journal.

" So what do we have planned so far."

" So obviously we are having the ceremony at the vineyards and then the reception at the country club. Brie and my mom is flying out to go dress shopping with me on Thursday. As far as you, who is your best man going to be?"

" I'm not sure, I was going to say my brother but he is gone. I was going to say Seth, but we no longer friends. So at this point maybe Dean or Truth."

" Okay, well you can do both of you want. But they will need to fly out here by Thursday as well to be fitted for their tux.  The team is flying out of France, and is only here for one day so they can't be late."

" Why is everything so precise. Let's just calm down for a second."

" I know... I'm sorry. It's just that I have never been married before and want this to be perfect.  I also need your invite list, so I can send our invites. Also speaking of invites should we go with the Eggshell color invite or -"

" Nikki!" Roman yells. " Please stop. This is going to make me go insane." He then gets up and leave to make his way to our room.

" Ok then." I say. I start to pack up my journals when I hear Paige come from behind me.

" Is he mad that I am here?"

" Don't take it personal." I say hugging her. " Roman just has to adjust to things, but he will come around."

I give Roman about thirty minutes to calm down, before heading upstairs. I see him laying on his back looking up at the white ceiling. " Hey." I say sitting down on his crotch area. " Are you feeling better?"

" yea, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I am just under a lot of stress right now, and I am trying to do my best to make you happy, but I feel like no matter what I can't."

" Roman, that's not true. Because whenever I am if you I am happy."

He smiles at my response. " It's a little cheesy. But thank you. And I am sorry for yelling at you, if you want me to I can go downstairs with and finish plan the wedding. "

" Actually, I was hoping that we could stay up here. " I say starting to unbutton his pants. He then put his hand there trying to stop me. " What?"

" I though you wanted to wait to have a baby."

" I did... but after being around Paige these last few days I just really wanna be a mom. And I don't see any reason why we should wait."

" Well, I do. I thought you said you wanted to wait for us to be married and more stable. Also, my mom would kill me if I got you pregnant now."

" You have a point, let's work on wedding planning." I say getting off of him and heading down stairs.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now