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I  wake up to see Nicole sitting on the side of our bed as she is on her phone that is charging at the white charger port. " Morning, Beautiful." I say reaching out to touch her back, but she turns around with a huge smile.
" Good morning." She says back as she leans down to kiss me. " How did you sleep?"
" Great. How about you?" I say sitting up in bed trying to find my shirt.
" Good as well." She says. " What time are you trying to hit the road, tonight?"
" Maybe sometime around two, this afternoon."
" Okay, well go start getting ready, that time will be here before you know it. I am going to take a shower and then go over some things with Brie for tomorrow." She says as starts walking towards the bathroom.
" Yes ma'am." I say faking getting up by putting my feet on the ground but once she enters the bathroom. I roll back in bed and grab my phone from the dresser on my side of the dresser. " You thought?" I whisper and have a little smirk to myself.
Truth is I woke up in the middle of the night and packed my clothes while she was sleep. But while I try to relax I hear Brie call me from downstairs. " Roman!" She yells out. I simply roll my eyes at the fact that I can't just sleep in for once. I put on my shorts and make make my way downstairs to see Brie in the kitchen.
" Good Morning, Brie."
" Oh there you are?" She says getting up from one of the tall stools at the kitchen island. " Did you ever bring our luggage inside?"
" Yeah, it's it the living room." I say pointing to the living room.
" oh thanks." She says starting to walk to the living room, when she the comes to a complete stop. " Hey, Roman." she says turning around and start walking back my way until there is a foot of separation between us. " I am glad you and my sister are back together, but maybe you should think about letting her go if you can't give her what she truly deserves and wants more then anything in this world." Brie says. And without saying the word baby or even child I know what she is talking about.
" No offenses but, Brie, mind your own damn business."
Brie looks shock I said that to her and her only response is " I am just saying... it is the right thing to do." She says before walking off.
But little does Brie nor Nikki know that while I was late at night packing my bags I also found sometime to do some research on the surgery. And while they are at their thing for Birdie Bee tomorrow I booked myself a consultation. At the end of the day, I know the surgery is risky and can do even worse damage. But I also know at the end of the day that Nicole does deserve a baby and I am going to give to her if that is the last thing I do.

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