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I am chilling backstage at smackdown feeling awful about yesterday

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I am chilling backstage at smackdown feeling awful about yesterday. I forgot he was there... But then again why should I feel bad we are broken up.

I walk up to my crew which includes Nattie, Naomi, Alexa, Becky, Carmella, and the usos who are standing in the hallway smiling and laughing. But when I get closer I realize that Roman is also standing over there. Just act cool. " Hey!" I say jumping in between the space by Alexa and Carmella.
Everyone else but Roman greets me back and they continue to go on with the conversation. But the whole time I am looking at Roman who continues to look down.
All of sudden Alexa turns to me and says. " Hey do you wanna run over our promo for tonight?"

"Um yeah, that sounds perfect." I say. We both leave the circle of our peers and walk to an empty hallway. " You ready?"

" Actually, before we start can I ask you something?"

" Yea, sure?"

" What's up with Roman and you? Did y'all get an argument or something."

" Worse. After our segment last week I called him and he told me that he didn't wanna see me anymore and then kicked me out."

" Wait... What? He kicked you out?"

"Yea. So now I am staying with Nia."

" Oh my gosh." She says giving me a hug. " I am so sorry. I know how much you have been through. But I could never see him kicking you out. What even happened ?"

" It's a long story but Roman is still in love with his ex-wife and he almost got Paige pregnant. So he tried to make it up to me by going on vacation. But I canceled it because I really want this title match at wrestle mania and we all know that you need to be at every show. And you would think he would get it because how many times has he main evented that event. Plus Alexa you know my neck was broken and we both know we will do anything to get back in the ring. So I am very fortunate to even be back here, so why would I wanna waste an opportunity like that?"

" Yea, I totally get it. Also, if you wanna stay with me because I know how much easier it will be for you. Also, we can be driving buddies. Just let me know."

" Yea, I may take that offer-" I stop talking when I see Roman walking our direction.

" I'll give y'all some space." Alexa says before walking away

Roman stands straight while I sit on one of the red containers with the WWE logo on it. Both of us in silence trying to holding back the tears of saying goodbye forever. He then brakes the silence when he turns to me and say. " My mom called me last night and asked about our wedding register. I didn't know what to say."

" What did you say?" I ask as I wipe a tear from my eye.

" I told her I send it to her but never did. Nicole, I would be lying if said I didn't love you anymore. And I hope it's the safe back." I shake my head yes. " And I knew the second you walked out that door I was making a mistake but I just wanted to stand my ground. But I know I made a mistake now. Nicole, I am so sorry." He says crying into my shirt. " And it took me last night to realize that I can't play with us. Because I can lose you. For now on I wanna be honest with you... Please allow me to do that?"

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