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Nikki did not give me an answer but we decided to meet after the show, which is something I am okay with. It shows that she is willing to forgive me and we may actually be able to walk down the alter soon.

I wait for her by the back door, so she can't miss me. A few minutes later I see her beautiful red smile walking my way with her coat in her hand. " You ready?" She asks as she attempts to but her coat on but has a hard time doing so, so I come around and help her. " Thank you." She says as buttons it up.

" No problem. And yes." I say as I try to be a gentleman and help her with her bag. But she rejects me.

" I got it." She says walking ahead of me to the car. I auto-unlock the car doors so she can put her stuff in the trunk, then get in the car. Which I eventually follow 30 seconds later.

" Did you book your room already?" I ask her.

" No, I will do that while you the drive."

" Oh, your riding with me?"

" Yea, silly. That's why I put my stuff in the back. Duh." She she putting her finger on my nose. Acting as if nothing ever happened and we have been on good terms for week. Should I just go along with it? I just laughed it off before pulling off.

The car has been quite for about thirty minutes now with me driving and Nicole on her phone looking through Instagram. I thought we were suppose to be talking but I guess not.

" Hey Nicole, can-"

" Roman!" She says obnoxiously cutting me off. While showing me her phone." Look at this fan art that someone made of Brie and me I. I have to share this with Brie and repost it." She says. I give her a fake smile before returning to driving and like that, the car was quiet but I was certainly not peaceful.

Once we arrive at the hotel, I scramble to the trunk and get Nicole's luggage before she does. When she comes out she sees what I have done, and unexpectedly kisses me. I just overlook it. " Hey, did you book your room already? They may be full."

" Ugh! I forgot. I must be staying with you tonight." She says walking away from me.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now