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I feel Roman large hand gentle shakes me, as I his calm voice says " Nikki, we are here." I slowly open my eyes to see that we are in the parking lot at the back of the arena. I start to take my seatbelt off, as Roman turns the car off. " Are you okay?" He ask me.

" Yeah." I say scracthing my head. " Sorry I feel asleep."

" Don't worry about. Let's just head inside I am starving for catering food." He says as he quickly jumps out the car, but waits for me so we can hold hands. He locks the doors and put the keys into his pants pocket.

Once we get to catering I realize that I left my phone in the car. " Hey Baby, I left my phone in the car. Can you save me a seat?"

" Yeah, totally." He says as he get the keys out his pants pocket, and pass it to me.

" Thank you." I say as I meet him for a kiss. Once I get closer to the car, I hit the unlock button and make my way to the car. I open the car door and slightly bend down so I don't bump my head, but as I back up I feel someone standing behind me. A quick smirk comes over my face, as I playful back up again. " Miss me already?" I ask.

"You have no idea." He says, I instantly turn around because I know that is not Roman. I land into Seth as our faces is less than an inch apart. " Do you get my gift?"

" Seth, that was you?" I ask. He was like the last person I expected it to be.

" Yes." He then turns his head a little and tries to kiss me. Our lips touch for a second before I push him back without hesitation. " What's wrong Nikki? I thought you wanted this?"

" No, I'm with Roman."

" Well there was a Seth and Nikki before there were Roman and Nikki." He says, I just stare at him for a few seconds not knowing what to say. " Roman will never have to know." He says as he tries and kisses my neck. I then kick him in the balls, because that was the only way I knew I was going to stop him. He lands on the concrete ground as his hand rest where I kicked him. " Nikki! Wait!" He yells at me as I start to run back to catering so I can tell Roman. I walk in the doors and try to act natural I see Roman at a table with the usos and Naomi, as he is about to take a huge bite of a burger.

" Hey." He says as he takes his last few bites. " Is everything okay?"

" Yeah.. But I need to talk to you in private."

" Okay. Give me a second, but while you were sleeping I confirmed that we would be staying with Paige and Seth and for Christmas."
Don't hate Seth for this, it's just a story.

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