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" Roman, are you ready?" I hear Nikki yell out of the bathroom in our shared locker room.
" Yes, I just need to put my shoes on. Are you?"
" Yes. Are you nervous ?"
" About what? The hall of fame? No this is like my fifth one."
" No. This is our first hall of fame together. We are walking out together... And we are going to be a coupled interview.
" Nicole, it's fine. Just be yourself. I love you, you hopefully love me. And that's all that matters. Now come out and let me see my beautiful wife."
" I'm still not used to be called that." She says. I hear I the bathroom room good open and see her step out. My mouth drop when I see her...

 My mouth drop when I see her

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" Stop looking at me like that." She says pushing me away as I came closer to her.
" I can't... You look so beautiful."
" Thank you. You look great as well. Let's get going." she says I leave my hands out for her and walk out into the hallway with a lot of chaos going on.
" You know Brie is going be here... Have you talked to her."
" No. I don't even know why she is. She doesn't even wrestler anymore.
" Because of Bryan." Nikki and I start to head to the red carpet. " now remember don't say anything about us getting married."
" Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me."  she smiles.
After being interviewed we find our seats.  " Oh here we are!" Nikki points out.
" oh look we are next to Brie and Daniel." Roman points out.
" Are you serious?"
" Yes. And on the other side of us is Paige and Seth."
" Ugh this should be fun." Nikki says with sarcasm as she sits down.
" Hey, just stay classy." I tell her.

This isn't by chance... I requested for them to have us sit by them. Jokes on you... Nikki.

Sorry for the long break guys... I've been busy. Hope all is well.

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