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" Love You." I hear her say as I close the door. I know what you guys are all thinking, and that is Roman how could you be so stupid? But don't worry everything is fine Seth and I talked last night and we have a plan. If all goes well with the surgery Nikki should get pregnant. But I am definitely not going to let her go easily, she has to learn her lesson. Once the whole sperm donor process begins in 3 weeks I will realize to Nikki that I got the surgery. She will be confused about who the child is. But in reality, it will be my baby because Seth is giving her fake sperm. I know it's cruel but I need to teach her a lesson.

After almost an hour's drive, I finally make it to the clinic. When I walk in I am the only person there. " Good morning, please sign in." The brunette hair woman who sits at the front desk says as she sees me walk in. I do as she says and in a few short minutes, I am in the back ready for the surgery.

Soon a man and woman with white lab coats walk in with two clipboards. " Good morning, I'm doctor Kimberly." Says the blonde hair woman.
" And I am the head nurse, Steve." Says the male nurse. " I am just going to just give some surgery prep before I sedate you. Alright?"
" Sound great."
" Do you eat this morning?
" No."
" Great. Can I get your weight and height?"
" 265, and 6'3."
" Alright, that's all the questions I have now. But keep in mind that you should stay away from any sexual activities for 4 days. And sign these papers." He says passing me some papers and pin. " This is just confirming if anything goes wrong you or a love one can't sue us." I sign his paper as he gets the needle ready to sedate me. " Alright." He says as he sticks the needle in me. " Count down with me.. 10...9...8....7....6..."
And everything goes black ....

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now