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"Hey Roman, it's me call me when you get a chance." I say hanging up the phone. This my third voicemail to Roman in the last 30 minutes and I am getting worried. Nobody has seen him not even his cousins. I hoped nothing happened to him.

As I am walking back to the locker room I see Nattie with her phone in her hand. " Oh hey Nicole, I was just about to call you."

" Oh hey, have you seen Roman?"

" That's what I wanted to call you about. Roman went home sick. So I am giving you a ride."

" Oh, my poor Roman. Since we are staying at different hotels, can you drop me off at mines. Roman probably misses me?"

" That's the thing Nikki. He really stressed on being alone. So I figured we can have a girls night, it's been like forever since we hanged out."

" But Roman always needs me, why would he not want me with him.... Nattie did I do something wrong?"

" No, like I said he went home sick. He probably just didn't wanna get you sick. But I will drop you off in the morning. Okay?"

" Yea,sure."
Nattie takes me to this club\ restaurant in the hotel we were staying at for the night. It seems fun and I am trying to stay in the moment, but my heart and mind keeps drifting off to Roman. Before we enter I text Roman a text just reminding him to call me.

Nattie decides to sit by the bar, I feel super uncomfortable because that where the single people normally sit and last time I checked I am not single but engaged. I feel guys attention turn to me when I walk pass. I don't think it was a good idea to wear this revealing dress, it is disrespectful towards Roman.

" Hi, Can I have two vodkas," Nattie says to the bartender. The bartenders nodding his head and goes to make the drink.

" Well someone is stepping out of their comfort zone." I say referring to Nattie dress and her drink selection

" Is it too much, I just could not think of a better time to wear it."

" No, it's looks amazing on you."

" Thanks, Nicole. I needed that."

We have been at the bar for over an hour now and my mind is still on Roman. While Nattie's mind is on the edge of an awful hangover tomorrow morning. I take a sip of my 3rd shot of Vodka when this guy walks in for some reason he reminds me of Dolph but he is just more muscular. Nattie notices me staring at him and calls me out.

" Nicole, go for it." She says trying to give me eye contact but her level of alcohol currently does not allow her to do that. I just laugh off her comment.

" I think it is time to stop the drinks... You can't even remember that I am engaged. My party was less than a week ago."

" I didn't forget, Nicole. But maybe Roman has."

" What?" I ask being very confused on what She just said to me.

" I probably shouldn't say this Nikki... but Roman isn't sick."

" Then what's wrong?"

" After our match, I saw Roman in catering he didn't look right. So I sat down to talk to him, he looked miserable. I think The Whole thing with Adam tonight put the icing on the cake. He was angry Nikki....he said he didn't wanna marry you... ever."

As those words leave her mouth I start to tear up. "Excuse me, I have to go." I wiping my tears and grabbing my purse.

Once I am out in the lobby I get my phone out to call an Uber. Roman and I need to talk this through.... tonight, I can't wait much longer. I would drive myself but I am a little tipsy.

Once the Uber arrives I get in the car and greet him with an " Hello." But it doesn't take long for him to notice me crying.

"Is everything okay ma'am?"

" No, my fiancé wants to end things with me, and that where I am going now because instead of telling me he tell on my best friends instead."

He thens turn his head back completely to me. " I am sorry to hear that. The same thing happened to my cousin. The way I see it is if he is not in into then let him go."

" I guess your right, what's the point in being in a love less relationship."

" Exactly, you will be-"

I hear the sound of a loud car beeping at us. " Watch out!." I yell before everything fades to black.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now